Monday, May 12, 2008

Can Barely Reach My Cervix

CHEMICAL SCIE (chemtrails) - what are they?

contrails - dissolve the passage of the aircraft

Chemtrails - persist in the sky for several hours

Everyone looked up to heaven may notice the passage of more and more planes. Not surprising, the flights are thousands in our skies every day ...

Some planes leave a trail but very persistent, which does not dissolve in step but persists for several hours, spreading out and forming a cloud straight, unnatural.

These "clouds" in certain areas form real barbed wire.

Strange, normal condensation dissolves immedatamente ... then what is it?

basement Surveys have shown the presence of the somewhat anomalous:
barium salts, aluminum and quartz, narcotics, mild virus particles in blood (?)

Let's understand something:
- The barium is an alkali metal, earthy, soft, silvery gloss. Not found free in nature. It was found that barium is an inhibitor of muscle processes, tends to block the misalignment of the muscles. The muscles under the effect of barium, find it difficult to relax spasmizzandosi, ie by creating spasms in various parts of the body. Another important characteristic of barium, its opacity, is to take off their own light to the areas is deposited. The mineral having the quality required is the magnesium, a mineral that brings light into the body and helps with its effects and allows a greater ability to relax the muscles to loosen spasms. This is just one of many functions of magnesium but just what can be used to counteract the negative effects of barium.
- L ' aluminum for its intrinsic characteristics is very dangerous if inhaled or ingested into the human body. One of its functions is highly negative to prevent the so-called neuronal synapses. The synapse allows the junction between two nerve cells through which nerve impulses are propagated. The human body, to defend such an important and delicate organ which is the brain, has formed a natural defense (BBB), so that foreign materials such as aluminum, can not penetrate or settle on brain cells. Aluminium pocket the blood-brain barrier. From the point of physically in a loss of motility or body functions, again from the physical point of view, in an impact on the activity of the limbs, legs and arms. The second effect is manifested at the level of activity in thinking that a lack of concentration, as can be carried out continuously over time to maintain the focus on the activity of thought, for example, read several pages of a book as challenging, hold a conversation without losing the thread and so on. In the long run the lack of concentration can cause memory lapses and in severe cases can lead to dangerous diseases such as Alzheimer's disease. Inotre deposited on the walls of the lungs, tend to die in the time vitality of the lungs was causing respiratory problems or injuries of the lungs in a more or less severe. Possible aluminum may be the antagonists' clay and peat-based homeopathic preparation called Solum uliginosum which clean and protect it from harmful influences.
- The quartz is formed of silicon and oxygen, O2 (two molecules of oxygen and silicon) which are the two most common substances in the crust. The siliceous rocks (quartz) are present in various forms for about 90% in essa.Il quartz is a fascinating mineral forms. The most representative is the milky quartz, especially the one commonly referred to as transparent rock crystal. Beyond its beauty as a mineral, quartz for piezoelectric and pyroelectric properties is widely used in industry especially in the precision instruments.
silicon, as regards the human body, is present in all body tissues especially those peripheral: nails, hair, skin and connective tissues in general. Silicon is found also in the bones. Because of its inherent characteristics it has a close relationship with the light and subsequently with air. The main characteristic of silicon is to limit or to maintain proper limits in the growth process. It therefore limits the tendency of energy to stimulate the vital forces growth beyond the normal processes. If, paradoxically, the human being could not remain in its physical boundaries, the outside world penetrate into the body by destroying it in a devastating way in a short time.
E 'closing the skin directly influences the physical structure of the outside world, it allows the possibility of having an individual life within, which can make the necessary mental processes and spiritual growth of our consciousness. Towards the interior of the physical organism of silicon, allowing the passage of light, it helps the perception by the immune system, foreign elements with their consequent removal to maintain the integrity of the physical life. Similarly, if you create a accumulation of quartz (silicon) in the body, in the light of everything that was said would show different symptoms. The most important are the following:
disturbances in the sense organs and nervous system - neuritis, neuralgia - conjunctivitis, worsening of myopia -
skin and mucous otitis - inflammation in general, including: fungus, acne, boils, - wet eczema - Fall Hair - inflammation of the oral mucosa - weakening of the dental fixation - indurations and inflammations such fistulas, fibroids
skeleton - bone problems: deformities, osteomyelitis, rickets
other diseases - to the external allergies (hay fever), autoimmune diseases - nervous, problems will, mood swings, lack of concentration.
Bearing in mind the same principle already considered for the whole of these issues, you can use homeopathic remedies, preferably in decimal dilution, based mainly of quartz or any other medicines containing more than quartz.

(analysis of substances taken from an article by John Peccarisi, a graduate of the "Free University of Science and Spirit")

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Dungeons And Dragons Lupus

ALIENS (seeking truth)

This video is dedicated to all of us, as if we were one big family. The background music is "Here Comes The Moon" Caparezza. And is it really guessed because, basically, we feel a little 'aliens in this country of fake information and pseudo-democracy. But this video, with all the avatars of many friends of youtube, teaches us that we must not give up, that we are many. So many beautiful people who think with their head they hope that their country will change. And we have to continue like this, really. Thank you all!

Friday, May 2, 2008

Two Arrows Crossed Porcelin

Grillo V2 Day - free information!

On 25 April, as many of you know, there was the v2-day. Nearly 1.5 million signatures were collected in a single day. It 'a great achievement towards a true information, free and democratic