Sunday, August 3, 2008

Center Console Boat In Ontario

feet of asphalt

Ok. Let's try for a moment to make serious blogger.
Tomorrow I leave. I'm going to Sarajevo. That is the first in Croatia to the sea and then to Sarajevo. I shot around four friends.
I spent most of July in Milan. I've matured (?) Is the first. I have seen many movies and nice people, who then started the next day.
July 26 was a year of moving: so the 23 was a year younger than three days - 363 days - that what should fill my shelves filled my boxes not shown. Hah! (Scorn) in an entire year, there arrived.
But the other day was a full year from that I do not cut your hair.

Also the other day I had an idea for a story. But tomorrow morning delivery. Why I'm here at three o'clock at night if only to let the first "episode" (Yeah - the incident is a luxury retreat - May I?).
So just do the serious blogger! and here this track in fine style "irritant".

feet of asphalt
in Chinatown - Part

headlines: and questions, and an excruciating dilemma of an ethical nature (especially) and (the most "sgam" or cynical - if you will allow) functional, in public opinion: quo bono?! , plant a man alive the crossing? He was called the Crossing, because it was a cross, but a slight decline was the monumental speech, capitalization, and therefore: the Intersection. What if everyone pulled above the average promoted to the position in a hierarchical world, so to assert that man was a kind of average, or mediocre, or simply recruit the crossroads, had very little respect, since the fall, and the grandeur. This he believed to be a journalist, or a thing, I guess at least. "The Crossing: SPECTACULAR."
Was that street between installation and the way Pio Bove rich clumps, proseguenti being home to the famous Liceo Curiazi Boito very prestigious address in the classic "East", a stone's throw from Via Sarpi: heart and arteries of the intrigue of Milan's Chinatown. Right here is the consuming madness of a psychological experiment unprecedented, with audiences unaware a shrimp-colored building with chrome tiles, as scales, a gray lake fish down with the shoemaker, and then tossed garden waste unused half of high school, and others silent, but from the mouth, n'avrebbero to tell (so said the great-grandfather, or - his dear departed). The day was agreed by the authorities on August 3, to take off once the warm season. However, the audience murmured
meat e. .. spirit, and more impetuous people who moved me most-the-leg-stretching, meditating, "I resist two minutes, but how does the po'raccio, but why 'certain individuals and urged and incited tamarri with beret, while concrete disapproved, the more "antagonistic" with very strong profanity tavern. And the cops. In all a thousand at the intersection for the show, or sacrifice. At three in the victim arrives, the ox volunteer, surrounded by law enforcement in a blue uniform and a scientist, you little man, city officials reflective yellow or orange: it is a Zeno Mariotti, bassoccio magroccio and beardless, and without any restraint, he did it for the money . Six months equal to the crossing so many euro, but if Sgarro, or give up, put his foot out, € ZERO: rather pay probation, those terms, yes. (The city had to contract more or less went like this, it is an accurate representation.)
A scientist shirts soaked with sweat dragged the more sinister, with the support of a pulley, a sort of plasma cannon, with the ... tubular structures, boh, and solar panels - clear, there was lack of cables and make it run on batteries, it would take to absurd huge - until placed carefully chosen point in the gimmick, center of gravity of the intersection trapezoid. "Now do not look, or damage to your retina could be irreparable," he said majestically, and wear large glasses switch moved with one finger.
I have not seen the beam in plasma: now I have two healthy eyes and two healthy children, and I thank God of luck. A friend of mine has peeked, and also sees us as an eagle, is so sterile as a mule, but probably the plasma and outbuildings are irresponsible: that is devoid of any fault or foul. He tells me sometimes, in the cold winter evenings with his wife and mother (or apart, she, of all mothers) - when we sit on the sofa blue green room and pours the vodka flow generation - which was that ray so, oh so powerful, and bright, who had established a system so that plasma quasireligioso "condensed" 's entelechy ; ... contained or incorporated in any case his life, perfectly in place: that he was not in power, to donate. It was her little secret and existential consolation. To which I said, not what people do to get by, when the ' infertility is the substantive dimension of your being there! Poor! He also says that the asphalt was melting and dripping butter as the true "male", lush good animal fat: that the smear and you can almost hear the bellows, and solid baritone. (And even here the psychoanalyst he jumps to fish there and wallowing as well.)
Well, "I grant you again the gift of sight cried more or less the sweat shirts, to the merger. Alongside the frantic Zeno Mariotti flexes and bends, while a Chinese woman told him to stand still One moment, sweet slaps impatient and pulled on his bare feet: there was to be covered in a thick layer of frosting frosty - they held a portion abundant in the left palm - to prevent the most serious burns, and the thoughtful. The rites lasted paste, for a full quarter of an hour at four-something we were ready and well prepared for: a sigh, three mechanical steps, and sank her ankles in hot bitumen. Greeted by a cheerful gurgle.
A doctor rushes to the side with a special foehn, or coarse hair dryer, for risolidificare soon the asphalt.
