Monday, March 27, 2006

Weak Fingernails Causes

TAM TAM - The voices of the civil service

The undersigned: Emanuele Pizzo, National Representative of the Volunteers of the Civil Service, David Guarnieri and Arianna Saccomani, acting Regional Delegates to the Veneto, hereby, wish to inform all the volunteers of the Civil Service which was established a working group to collect all the "voices" and opinions to be proposed in the National Council.
In this respect as regards the Veneto region have created a group on the portal whose
aim to introduce volunteers to the Regional Delegates and collect ideas for improving the National Civil Service.
We believe that to have a broader view of the problems present in the region, it is important that all volunteers have the opportunity to enroll thus making their significant contribution.
We therefore ask you kindly to disclose pursuant to the volunteers at your organization, the successful election of the representatives mentioned above, the creation of the Working Group on Civil Service Volunteer of the Veneto "and consequently provide them our telephone numbers and email addresses.
We are confident that, thanks for your valuable assistance, it is easier and immediate contact between volunteers spread throughout the region.
Confident of your early acceptance of this, pending a statement feedback, thank you in advance and take this opportunity to extend best regards

Emanuele Pizzo, Representative
National Volunteer Service Civil: cell. 340 3383674, e - mail
David Guarnieri, Regional Delegate for the Veneto:
cell. 340 5508988, e - mail
Arianna Saccomani, Regional Delegate for the Veneto:
cell. 338 7126653 e - mail


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