Friday, October 27, 2006

F-m Spaanking Stories

"incinerator Typhon."

All 'Dear Dr. Massimo Carrubba mayor of Augusta.
I state that I never considered highly competent legal environment, but despite this, after the brief remarks, I would, with proper and legitimate interest in the affairs of our city and its environment in order to better contextualize the individual information , politely ask what seem to me logical clarification of course not to be complacent at all to do so because this need is probably no indication of how much has been invested in the public information on primary materials, such as the environment, and issues related to them.
From the six months ending June 30, 2006 dell'Actelios spa emerges, as was already known, that on May 31, 2006 the Deputy Commissioner for the waste emergency issued Order No. 636 with which he orders the start of construction, involving the "Project Typhon, by July 15, 2006 and again setting the terms of service start of first treatment plant waste to energy plant.
On July 17, 2006 the Company presented the Regional Agency for waste and water conservation an extension of 540 days compared Starting with the terms of service set out in the first treatment Ordinance. On September 13 the Regional Agency has granted an extension of 330 days.
-ended, May 31, 2006, waste in the system of emergency in Sicily and consequently deprived of the absolute powers of the Special Commissioner, a term which, in my opinion (if I remember correctly), is a return to the appropriation legal by the Mayors, and then regaining the full power of their decisions on how and what to build in the territory under its jurisdiction as provided by municipal statutes;
-since the TAR of Lazio has yet to pronounce (the press, or whom it may concern, promptly announced it would if it were not) about the use of the City of Augusta and Legambiente, appeals on the outcome of which all Augsburg who fought against the ongoing "colonization" industrial still hope so in spite of the negative judgments to appeals Campofranco and the municipalities of Aragon.
Accordingly I ask you:
We've already started and what is the pre-campaign operam prior to the commencement of the installation?
are in a legal position, as it is my opinion, the auditors, once ended a state of emergency waste, block the construction of incinerators in their areas of jurisdiction through a union or a determination Council resolution?
Regardless of union power after the appeals of rulings adverse to the incinerator and Aragon Campofranco Casteltermini of which are unfortunately a precedent to be taken into account (before that, according to Hon Cuffaro, calls for a "guard" also other plants), that value can still give you, in your opinion, to the hope of a decision of the TAR of Lazio, which permanently blocks the work of the WTE plant in Augusta?
Secure your kind of a clarification in this respect, elucidation not necessarily directed small humble myself but to all those who, fighting against the "politics" of the incineration of waste (which continues not to consider resources to be exploited), have contributed to the commitment to preserve as much as possible what's left of the integrity of our territory and the economic and social development that depends on it, thank you in advance.
John Carved


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