Sunday, July 20, 2008

Pink Moisture Indicator On Cell Phone

Analysis of an Italy ill - a country adrift

So, since the Italian media is clearly biased or manipulated ad hoc, are now trying to analyze the situation in this country (drifting)

First we talk about the problem of waste Naples: The situation that so far there has been going on for at least 10-15 years. Has anyone ever heard of it on television in recent years with the same frequency with which it was discussed in recent months that the government was in power the center-left? Another observation that many are not aware: to stay ahead of this emergency waste has been used a certain Guido Bertolaso. Well, this gentleman, who was for many years as the head of the Department of Civil Protection, was already extraordinary commissioner for the waste from September 2006, and was then discharged. Now back as the new savior, the man of miracles, but that had already had the same role two years ago but failed to resolve the issue, nobody talks about it.

Another question I want to talk are the laws shame that in a few months, the government is launching. A substantial group of 100 constitutional experts has found these laws and by-laws as UNCONSTITUTIONAL! Let's see why

Lodo Alfano: already in 2004 rejected as unconstitutional by the Constitutional Court (one called Schifani award). Is now being revived by the new government with the signature of the Minister of Justice, the Angelino Alfano. Block any process and any investigation against the four highest offices of state (judicial immunity). It 'been said that in Europe many countries have already adopted this decree. Colossal lie. In other European countries, immunity is applied ONLY for the Head of State. In no case is also applied to the Prime Minister.

BLOCK PROCESS: This standard is a paradox about the incredible and quite unique: with this rule are blocked 100,000 jobs, including for crimes such as kidnapping, EXTORTION, ROBBERY, RAPE, CORRUPTION, judicial corruption (including the Mills trial, in which Berlusconi is being investigated. Real reason to implement this rule: 100,000 jobs to save a block), HARASSMENT AND ABUSE IN FAMILY etc.. etc..
So you think, as we proclaim loudly that "finally we will be sure because with the new security package will be zero tolerance" for crimes on the safety is enacted a rule that blocks these processes. This is incredible, almost comic.

Also with regard to the security package, another comic situation: if an illegal immigrant is caught while entering our country, with the new law must be stopped as soon as they enter, because just manages to do two more steps, a police officer approaches him and asks, you're illegal, how are you here? And that the answers I've been here for 5 / 6 years (for example).. Well, since this rule applies only from now on, nothing will change, because an immigrant without papers can pretend to be in our country even from one day before the entry into force of this law.
Also in the security package was included aggravated racial For example, if an Italian is a robbery at a bank or a shop, he gets 7 years for example. If the same SAME! an immigrant commits a crime, he gets X. 7 years X is the aggravating racial, just for being foreign. According to you, with this rule increases the safety? If an offender commits an Italian so it is less serious?

prohibited interceptions for crimes with sentences of less than 10 years, with the exception of the mafia and terrorism. Prohibited the publication of them. The publisher of the interceptions he gets up to 3 years in prison. Therefore, we can not intercept rapes, kidnapping, manslaughter, domestic violence, criminal association, corruption in judicial acts, abuse in the family, child abuse etc.. etc..

They would not have discovered such Calciopoli, Vallettopoli, the horrors of clinical S. Rita in Milan, the scandal of Fazio and the Bank of Italy, Parmalat, Cirio and so on. etc..
NB: If the interception is prepared for fraud or false and then it was discovered during the course of the interception that there is a crime of murder or conspiracy for example, it must be torn up and thrown in the bin, because the crime found in our list of non-intercepted.

And the newspapers we can no longer know anything about this. We'll know when to start the process, namely 5 / 6 years after the event took place or that we begin to investigate.

The cost of tapping is about 4 € a year and probably every citizen happy to pay € 4 a year to feel more secure and to know that many offenses can be detected more easily.
Also we can only do the interception and the judiciary are all numbered, and then controlled and quantified, while abroad can make all the police. So when we say that we are tapping overseas such as 200,000 and 10,000 abroad is because they are not quantified, precisely because they do not police and prosecutors must then file a writ.

conclude by saying that you should always open your eyes, information and interest issues that apparently does not interest us, but actually affect us daily and that influence us and guide us in our choices.


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