Thursday, December 4, 2008

One Man Sand Rail Plans

And is now home

A M. Pumo, thanks for the inspiration

O stating that each is alone on the heart of the earth ..,
the Santa's sleigh!:
and is now home

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Center Console Boat In Ontario

feet of asphalt

Ok. Let's try for a moment to make serious blogger.
Tomorrow I leave. I'm going to Sarajevo. That is the first in Croatia to the sea and then to Sarajevo. I shot around four friends.
I spent most of July in Milan. I've matured (?) Is the first. I have seen many movies and nice people, who then started the next day.
July 26 was a year of moving: so the 23 was a year younger than three days - 363 days - that what should fill my shelves filled my boxes not shown. Hah! (Scorn) in an entire year, there arrived.
But the other day was a full year from that I do not cut your hair.

Also the other day I had an idea for a story. But tomorrow morning delivery. Why I'm here at three o'clock at night if only to let the first "episode" (Yeah - the incident is a luxury retreat - May I?).
So just do the serious blogger! and here this track in fine style "irritant".

feet of asphalt
in Chinatown - Part

headlines: and questions, and an excruciating dilemma of an ethical nature (especially) and (the most "sgam" or cynical - if you will allow) functional, in public opinion: quo bono?! , plant a man alive the crossing? He was called the Crossing, because it was a cross, but a slight decline was the monumental speech, capitalization, and therefore: the Intersection. What if everyone pulled above the average promoted to the position in a hierarchical world, so to assert that man was a kind of average, or mediocre, or simply recruit the crossroads, had very little respect, since the fall, and the grandeur. This he believed to be a journalist, or a thing, I guess at least. "The Crossing: SPECTACULAR."
Was that street between installation and the way Pio Bove rich clumps, proseguenti being home to the famous Liceo Curiazi Boito very prestigious address in the classic "East", a stone's throw from Via Sarpi: heart and arteries of the intrigue of Milan's Chinatown. Right here is the consuming madness of a psychological experiment unprecedented, with audiences unaware a shrimp-colored building with chrome tiles, as scales, a gray lake fish down with the shoemaker, and then tossed garden waste unused half of high school, and others silent, but from the mouth, n'avrebbero to tell (so said the great-grandfather, or - his dear departed). The day was agreed by the authorities on August 3, to take off once the warm season. However, the audience murmured
meat e. .. spirit, and more impetuous people who moved me most-the-leg-stretching, meditating, "I resist two minutes, but how does the po'raccio, but why 'certain individuals and urged and incited tamarri with beret, while concrete disapproved, the more "antagonistic" with very strong profanity tavern. And the cops. In all a thousand at the intersection for the show, or sacrifice. At three in the victim arrives, the ox volunteer, surrounded by law enforcement in a blue uniform and a scientist, you little man, city officials reflective yellow or orange: it is a Zeno Mariotti, bassoccio magroccio and beardless, and without any restraint, he did it for the money . Six months equal to the crossing so many euro, but if Sgarro, or give up, put his foot out, € ZERO: rather pay probation, those terms, yes. (The city had to contract more or less went like this, it is an accurate representation.)
A scientist shirts soaked with sweat dragged the more sinister, with the support of a pulley, a sort of plasma cannon, with the ... tubular structures, boh, and solar panels - clear, there was lack of cables and make it run on batteries, it would take to absurd huge - until placed carefully chosen point in the gimmick, center of gravity of the intersection trapezoid. "Now do not look, or damage to your retina could be irreparable," he said majestically, and wear large glasses switch moved with one finger.
I have not seen the beam in plasma: now I have two healthy eyes and two healthy children, and I thank God of luck. A friend of mine has peeked, and also sees us as an eagle, is so sterile as a mule, but probably the plasma and outbuildings are irresponsible: that is devoid of any fault or foul. He tells me sometimes, in the cold winter evenings with his wife and mother (or apart, she, of all mothers) - when we sit on the sofa blue green room and pours the vodka flow generation - which was that ray so, oh so powerful, and bright, who had established a system so that plasma quasireligioso "condensed" 's entelechy ; ... contained or incorporated in any case his life, perfectly in place: that he was not in power, to donate. It was her little secret and existential consolation. To which I said, not what people do to get by, when the ' infertility is the substantive dimension of your being there! Poor! He also says that the asphalt was melting and dripping butter as the true "male", lush good animal fat: that the smear and you can almost hear the bellows, and solid baritone. (And even here the psychoanalyst he jumps to fish there and wallowing as well.)
Well, "I grant you again the gift of sight cried more or less the sweat shirts, to the merger. Alongside the frantic Zeno Mariotti flexes and bends, while a Chinese woman told him to stand still One moment, sweet slaps impatient and pulled on his bare feet: there was to be covered in a thick layer of frosting frosty - they held a portion abundant in the left palm - to prevent the most serious burns, and the thoughtful. The rites lasted paste, for a full quarter of an hour at four-something we were ready and well prepared for: a sigh, three mechanical steps, and sank her ankles in hot bitumen. Greeted by a cheerful gurgle.
A doctor rushes to the side with a special foehn, or coarse hair dryer, for risolidificare soon the asphalt.


Sunday, July 27, 2008

Braces Not For Cosmetics Reasons

entangled in the social network!

After all I ended up taking drugs for social networking. (Passerà.)
Anobii However, it is beautiful, and tidied up after my real library - a year after emptying the boxes in my room: D - we had to transpose everything to a virtual one.

My page is .

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Design A Tech Deck Game

Queneau, now peximized

(originally thought to godwit, present it with some variation noir)

exercises. The pessimist

Jonhson detective jumped with a leap at the last moment on the deck of the bus line D, just as he was about to leave, and was about to close the door violently. Damn! thinks since my car's got a mechanic after it was destroyed in pursuit, are forced to use a normal means of public transport .... Yes, when you live a reckless life is often difficult to get used to having to do with the daily life of a new life every day!
uncontrollable anger and irritation, however, soon vanished just looked around the scene of urban desolation, and across social (Regardless if you are a "Scrooge" super-rich background full of money, or in a poor shooter, but we are all part of this degradation: let's face it!), Which was offered to the eyes in the bus, and it just felt a kind of alienation , so that really got lost in the void of conscience as irretrievably broken men those famous words "we are all brothers" and that "no man is an island." (Indeed, since we are in an island city ... pedestrian!). But then a strange man suspected captured all of a sudden his attention: he had a long neck like turkey and worn over the face by a thug with a strange hat, lanyard, and saw that he complained to another and told him that the plague (the other, the older guy) on purpose. But then suddenly siedette freed up a place, Jhonson and thought no more, because no one knew him, though it reminded him of someone.
But anyhow that face all pale and worn tormented him relentlessly in the thoughts, but had just forgotten, when two hours later the man reappeared its mysterious, near the Gare Saint Lazzar (one of the largest stations in Paris but also in general). can not be a coincidence! he thought, and as we all know that his intuition is often right.
He went to secretly spy on what was telling another guy that had approached, and heard him whisper to raise a button on soprabbito (probably, indeed certainly quite a password) and something went in my hand. Then unfortunately he was unable to listen to their conversation certainly very suspicious, but investigations were continuing, and when the detective Jonsohn find a track, you know all of that crime never pays!

Pink Moisture Indicator On Cell Phone

Analysis of an Italy ill - a country adrift

So, since the Italian media is clearly biased or manipulated ad hoc, are now trying to analyze the situation in this country (drifting)

First we talk about the problem of waste Naples: The situation that so far there has been going on for at least 10-15 years. Has anyone ever heard of it on television in recent years with the same frequency with which it was discussed in recent months that the government was in power the center-left? Another observation that many are not aware: to stay ahead of this emergency waste has been used a certain Guido Bertolaso. Well, this gentleman, who was for many years as the head of the Department of Civil Protection, was already extraordinary commissioner for the waste from September 2006, and was then discharged. Now back as the new savior, the man of miracles, but that had already had the same role two years ago but failed to resolve the issue, nobody talks about it.

Another question I want to talk are the laws shame that in a few months, the government is launching. A substantial group of 100 constitutional experts has found these laws and by-laws as UNCONSTITUTIONAL! Let's see why

Lodo Alfano: already in 2004 rejected as unconstitutional by the Constitutional Court (one called Schifani award). Is now being revived by the new government with the signature of the Minister of Justice, the Angelino Alfano. Block any process and any investigation against the four highest offices of state (judicial immunity). It 'been said that in Europe many countries have already adopted this decree. Colossal lie. In other European countries, immunity is applied ONLY for the Head of State. In no case is also applied to the Prime Minister.

BLOCK PROCESS: This standard is a paradox about the incredible and quite unique: with this rule are blocked 100,000 jobs, including for crimes such as kidnapping, EXTORTION, ROBBERY, RAPE, CORRUPTION, judicial corruption (including the Mills trial, in which Berlusconi is being investigated. Real reason to implement this rule: 100,000 jobs to save a block), HARASSMENT AND ABUSE IN FAMILY etc.. etc..
So you think, as we proclaim loudly that "finally we will be sure because with the new security package will be zero tolerance" for crimes on the safety is enacted a rule that blocks these processes. This is incredible, almost comic.

Also with regard to the security package, another comic situation: if an illegal immigrant is caught while entering our country, with the new law must be stopped as soon as they enter, because just manages to do two more steps, a police officer approaches him and asks, you're illegal, how are you here? And that the answers I've been here for 5 / 6 years (for example).. Well, since this rule applies only from now on, nothing will change, because an immigrant without papers can pretend to be in our country even from one day before the entry into force of this law.
Also in the security package was included aggravated racial For example, if an Italian is a robbery at a bank or a shop, he gets 7 years for example. If the same SAME! an immigrant commits a crime, he gets X. 7 years X is the aggravating racial, just for being foreign. According to you, with this rule increases the safety? If an offender commits an Italian so it is less serious?

prohibited interceptions for crimes with sentences of less than 10 years, with the exception of the mafia and terrorism. Prohibited the publication of them. The publisher of the interceptions he gets up to 3 years in prison. Therefore, we can not intercept rapes, kidnapping, manslaughter, domestic violence, criminal association, corruption in judicial acts, abuse in the family, child abuse etc.. etc..

They would not have discovered such Calciopoli, Vallettopoli, the horrors of clinical S. Rita in Milan, the scandal of Fazio and the Bank of Italy, Parmalat, Cirio and so on. etc..
NB: If the interception is prepared for fraud or false and then it was discovered during the course of the interception that there is a crime of murder or conspiracy for example, it must be torn up and thrown in the bin, because the crime found in our list of non-intercepted.

And the newspapers we can no longer know anything about this. We'll know when to start the process, namely 5 / 6 years after the event took place or that we begin to investigate.

The cost of tapping is about 4 € a year and probably every citizen happy to pay € 4 a year to feel more secure and to know that many offenses can be detected more easily.
Also we can only do the interception and the judiciary are all numbered, and then controlled and quantified, while abroad can make all the police. So when we say that we are tapping overseas such as 200,000 and 10,000 abroad is because they are not quantified, precisely because they do not police and prosecutors must then file a writ.

conclude by saying that you should always open your eyes, information and interest issues that apparently does not interest us, but actually affect us daily and that influence us and guide us in our choices.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Wooden Benches Blueprints

The concept of the perfect (Issime) or

(A little poem for the progressive culture pessimizzazione)

The concept of the perfect (Issime) or

Wait. In meningo I do not pretend
A body fat of full tree, not
If the oculo caught, not conserbo
What a piece of rough dry wood, no one from Pinocchio's
poplar. Yes the mercy of the prelate
is opium for the people, that too
approach with great enthusiasm for the drug
Dripping of arrogance, lack of talent
pajaccio which is that of a human, and embraces awkward
spectrum, so Tomasso
pentode Col route, the Descarte et
Illus itself, but you respect the sign:
The circle shape of that research has ovo.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Can Barely Reach My Cervix

CHEMICAL SCIE (chemtrails) - what are they?

contrails - dissolve the passage of the aircraft

Chemtrails - persist in the sky for several hours

Everyone looked up to heaven may notice the passage of more and more planes. Not surprising, the flights are thousands in our skies every day ...

Some planes leave a trail but very persistent, which does not dissolve in step but persists for several hours, spreading out and forming a cloud straight, unnatural.

These "clouds" in certain areas form real barbed wire.

Strange, normal condensation dissolves immedatamente ... then what is it?

basement Surveys have shown the presence of the somewhat anomalous:
barium salts, aluminum and quartz, narcotics, mild virus particles in blood (?)

Let's understand something:
- The barium is an alkali metal, earthy, soft, silvery gloss. Not found free in nature. It was found that barium is an inhibitor of muscle processes, tends to block the misalignment of the muscles. The muscles under the effect of barium, find it difficult to relax spasmizzandosi, ie by creating spasms in various parts of the body. Another important characteristic of barium, its opacity, is to take off their own light to the areas is deposited. The mineral having the quality required is the magnesium, a mineral that brings light into the body and helps with its effects and allows a greater ability to relax the muscles to loosen spasms. This is just one of many functions of magnesium but just what can be used to counteract the negative effects of barium.
- L ' aluminum for its intrinsic characteristics is very dangerous if inhaled or ingested into the human body. One of its functions is highly negative to prevent the so-called neuronal synapses. The synapse allows the junction between two nerve cells through which nerve impulses are propagated. The human body, to defend such an important and delicate organ which is the brain, has formed a natural defense (BBB), so that foreign materials such as aluminum, can not penetrate or settle on brain cells. Aluminium pocket the blood-brain barrier. From the point of physically in a loss of motility or body functions, again from the physical point of view, in an impact on the activity of the limbs, legs and arms. The second effect is manifested at the level of activity in thinking that a lack of concentration, as can be carried out continuously over time to maintain the focus on the activity of thought, for example, read several pages of a book as challenging, hold a conversation without losing the thread and so on. In the long run the lack of concentration can cause memory lapses and in severe cases can lead to dangerous diseases such as Alzheimer's disease. Inotre deposited on the walls of the lungs, tend to die in the time vitality of the lungs was causing respiratory problems or injuries of the lungs in a more or less severe. Possible aluminum may be the antagonists' clay and peat-based homeopathic preparation called Solum uliginosum which clean and protect it from harmful influences.
- The quartz is formed of silicon and oxygen, O2 (two molecules of oxygen and silicon) which are the two most common substances in the crust. The siliceous rocks (quartz) are present in various forms for about 90% in essa.Il quartz is a fascinating mineral forms. The most representative is the milky quartz, especially the one commonly referred to as transparent rock crystal. Beyond its beauty as a mineral, quartz for piezoelectric and pyroelectric properties is widely used in industry especially in the precision instruments.
silicon, as regards the human body, is present in all body tissues especially those peripheral: nails, hair, skin and connective tissues in general. Silicon is found also in the bones. Because of its inherent characteristics it has a close relationship with the light and subsequently with air. The main characteristic of silicon is to limit or to maintain proper limits in the growth process. It therefore limits the tendency of energy to stimulate the vital forces growth beyond the normal processes. If, paradoxically, the human being could not remain in its physical boundaries, the outside world penetrate into the body by destroying it in a devastating way in a short time.
E 'closing the skin directly influences the physical structure of the outside world, it allows the possibility of having an individual life within, which can make the necessary mental processes and spiritual growth of our consciousness. Towards the interior of the physical organism of silicon, allowing the passage of light, it helps the perception by the immune system, foreign elements with their consequent removal to maintain the integrity of the physical life. Similarly, if you create a accumulation of quartz (silicon) in the body, in the light of everything that was said would show different symptoms. The most important are the following:
disturbances in the sense organs and nervous system - neuritis, neuralgia - conjunctivitis, worsening of myopia -
skin and mucous otitis - inflammation in general, including: fungus, acne, boils, - wet eczema - Fall Hair - inflammation of the oral mucosa - weakening of the dental fixation - indurations and inflammations such fistulas, fibroids
skeleton - bone problems: deformities, osteomyelitis, rickets
other diseases - to the external allergies (hay fever), autoimmune diseases - nervous, problems will, mood swings, lack of concentration.
Bearing in mind the same principle already considered for the whole of these issues, you can use homeopathic remedies, preferably in decimal dilution, based mainly of quartz or any other medicines containing more than quartz.

(analysis of substances taken from an article by John Peccarisi, a graduate of the "Free University of Science and Spirit")

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Dungeons And Dragons Lupus

ALIENS (seeking truth)

This video is dedicated to all of us, as if we were one big family. The background music is "Here Comes The Moon" Caparezza. And is it really guessed because, basically, we feel a little 'aliens in this country of fake information and pseudo-democracy. But this video, with all the avatars of many friends of youtube, teaches us that we must not give up, that we are many. So many beautiful people who think with their head they hope that their country will change. And we have to continue like this, really. Thank you all!

Friday, May 2, 2008

Two Arrows Crossed Porcelin

Grillo V2 Day - free information!

On 25 April, as many of you know, there was the v2-day. Nearly 1.5 million signatures were collected in a single day. It 'a great achievement towards a true information, free and democratic

Monday, March 3, 2008

My Cookie Sheet Always Burns My Cookies

Truth pills

Oannes is true man and true fish, fresh.
And this was a pill of truth.
On another, a few days ago I posted the first part of Bear Mountain , episodic short novel published - slowly - in the newspaper of the Liceo Manzoni of Milan. The first chapter, I have stretched and risteso almost a year ago, so consider that sooner or later I'll see him again.
currently five chapters were written. If anyone (besides me, which is not scheduled to have it all) had urgency of a key reading, listening / browsing (depending on the medium ): The Family And The Fishing Net Peter Gabriel cited in the second episode; Donald, and a Christmas on Bear Mountain Carl Barks, the little story of Don Juan and the stone guest.
These are the satisfactions of a blogger, sciorinare insight as if someone asked!

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Tank For Kohler K-4321

Bear Mountain (I) Pessimism and pessimistic

Last updated: 12/05/2007

Nobody likes going to the doctor! It was not surprising that the threshold of the study of a specialist, an individual hands tremble, and inhale and exhale deeply and broadly. Instead
was surprised! He was conscious of being healthy in the manner of fish. He had done a complete check-up a month earlier, the private clinic of St. Gallen, and the visit scheduled for the 16:30 was purely a pretext. To be honest one hundred percent, had occurred to Ivan, only two days First, the revived symptoms of gastritis, the study had been to a gastroenterologist, would not have repelled a quick check. But the label did not allow doubts Cardiologist at your service.
Four and a half: "Come the next," Ivan breathes in, come in, breathe out. Environment sparse, minimalist-chic details, photographs and certificates on the wall, and sponsored many pens. There was also the purple and yellow Nexium ®, practically a work of art. The doctor however was pleasantly entered the room. It was a big man, but not an impressive annoying.
Ivan breaks the silence: "Professor Mengele?"
'Call me Joseph, boy, "laughed like Santa Claus or as many older people, and good fats. Check times, "Ivan?"
"Doctor," pause, "Joseph Mengele?" In the tone of an American who wakes up in the eighth century Britain.
The doctor laughs again. "Do not worry, I share two things with the mustache dottorone Nazi, and his mustache and love for Brazil."
"And the name," she corrects.
"Then there are three ', and a bit' upset pin something sull'agendina. It was probably this information.
"And the profession, make four."
Ivan, dell'inopportunità fetishist. Each second of awkward silence, the sweet cherry flavor tastes like. "Nothing, I know, experiments on humans, extermination of the Jews, etc.? "
" I am a man essentially harmless. " Then the placid figure of the doctor takes on the outlines of a legendary beast, the eyes of bronze, ivory daggers nails, tension and ecstatic shadowy memory of witchcraft rituals, screaming "T'amputo limbs," the voice of a Satan. Fly from the throne of hell, knuckles closed the hostile warrior instinct at the nostrils, blood! spurts, blood! Earth impregnated, or mother immense and severe!
"Boy, you really do not sense of humor," he cries filled the palm of his blood. "Help me to repair the breach."
"I do not touch him the nose is bloodied. " Orgasmic.
The curses of dr. Mengele drowned in crimson liquid that flows in streams again, and off the toilet . For a fraction of an hour Ivan is committed to drum rhythms Bossa Nova with the phalanges and to set a curious daguerreotype. Check
a nose packed in gauze. "I see you've noticed that old picture," but noted sounded more like with .
"To be precise it is a daguerreotype," that artist!, "Who is the man next to her?"
Mengele rose image melancholic eyes, dabbed his nose, he began, "What, boy, break, 'is a great man. " The voltage ascends second timing carefully calibrated, "That," suspense the apex, "is Don Diego de la Vega," Climax!, "The outlaw known as Zorro." Ivan
dismay, "there Zorro! It's like, 'so to speak Santa Claus, but is concerned that the doctor be to reveal his secret identity, "as the Flying Dutchman, William Tell, Homer!"
"Ignorant" is mocked, "The inauthenticity of William Tell is to be demonstrated. "
Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, the time it hits the grave every hour. "I remain ten minutes, Ivan, and still have not told me that what have you, "and indeed the next patient stepped on the sidewalk around the corner.
"Where the cuckoo comes out?", Rolled his neck in all directions, fearful and curious.
The doctor pulled out a pile of a ballpoint pen. "The pen-clock Aggrenox ®," triggering a button, "they sent me last week by Boehringer Ingelheim. The mailed in the corner, "Symptoms?".
Ivan's voice breaks slightly, his cheeks redden. "Dr. Mengele, I have heart palpitations," if it was just well thought out!, "Here, right here."
" Cor pulmonale , maybe. We will have to remove the organ in its totality. "
Funny, but Ivan was to continue the exposition. "Cor love rather 'passionate lyricism that!
"Please?", A pen in his hand and crushes Sensipar ®. The other
forcefully concludes, "I ask his daughter in marriage." It was the right way to go? A hint to continue, "Certainly, then hesitates, everything is ruined.
"If it's a joke, I", he would rudely dismissed from the office.
"It's all very true! I swear that I love, and "is prevented.
"Then it's okay. If indeed it approaches the holiday season that you do not have commitments, grateful unto me host you in my cabin on Bear Mountain, so as to deepen our relationship. " Quiet and monotonous, like its namesake Günzburg could, requiring injections of poisons in skin virginal.
Thus, a marriage s'aveva to do, that joy. "I do not know how to thank you, Dr. Mengele."
"named Joseph and accepting my invitation."
"And tell me, Joseph, can I take my four grandchildren?". Suddenly the doctor was buried under a dome of ice.
"How old are they?", Nervousness. Twelve, nine, seven and four, the response, so it was. "That's four years leave me."
"All right," Ivan impassive. S'accommiata, the last moments of their meeting made crystal grains of silica in a sealed bowl, drowned in a perfume colorless. The clock ticks ominously, fifty-nine zero one two, one two zero fifty-nine. Five and a half: "Come the next." One patient Morituri, Mengele's mind.
close of business.
"Barnardo, please, take this money. Go to the tailor, commissionagli winter clothes. It went in the alley of the artists, buy paint color of the marble. This Christmas I'll have to climb Mount Bear. "

End of the first episode

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Coldseal Door Repairs

As experience teaches godwit, knowingly write bad is more fun than writing well (especially when "Good" means "unintentional harm"). Not having received news of trends that go in this direction, mixed up among the thousands of post-modern past, the attempt is to address this brilliant insight into a poetic defined - a movement pessimistic.
Unfortunately, agree on the guiding principles of pessimism not have agreed - in effect - even on the degree of seriousness of the intention is complicated, and speeches by voice chat or just remains. We have a wonderful incipit for Manifesto, it goes like this:

A new specter is haunting the planet Earth, and this is one of pessimism, or the new literary movement we are going to launch very soon.

In addition to this practically nothing. I am writing this post so as reminder of the major issues remained unresolved.

1. Vs mediocrity. caricatures
In short, the world is full of mediocre-bad texts. You'll also want to be lawyers of "everything is art" (and more broadly of "we can not judge"), but in fact a ranking is inevitable, again without bothering to develop a theory of aesthetic judgments, it is easier - for now - take for granted that the bad and there is discernable.
Now, the pessimism is proposed to "deconstruct" the inability to writing, studying the styles and reuse. A first major problem that arises in the process of revision is: we must strive to emulate to recreate a mediocrity "realistic", creating texts in which the parodic intent is indiscernible without knowing the intent of the authors, or should exacerbate the bad, using systematically, in a caricatured, its constructs?

The first approach has increased its science and the ability to produce more usable texts (a pessimist could write knowingly indistinguishable from the original pulp literature, an audience that might appreciate). Conversely, it has the defect of being over-intellectualism: a text between "bad" and a text "pessimistic" there would be formally difference, this would lie all the intention of the author, being made purely in the abstract. It really needs, in addition, increase the presence of mediocre literature in the world?

On the other hand, the second approach is more fun and were more likely to yield new and original art. However, establishing a style "closed" based on the use of constant bad , might lead to a writing so contrived as to be implausible, dark, unreadable and all ' invention of new styles that no one truly use (although this could be considered an honor and a possible further development). Another danger would be bordering on parody, the exasperation of the style of a single author or group of authors.

2. Presumption / We are our audience?
The movement may appear pessimistic from the beginning a movement obnoxious, composed of young people from their arrogance have dedicated themselves to ridicule what they consider inferior writers, without ever having demonstrated, before being able to write well " normally. " Moreover, support to write badly on purpose will not be a way to mask a latent inability effective? What
- personally - moves me is the willingness to play with language in an original way, with no particular claim, but the image problem exists.

issues concerning this: the pessimism is clearly an elitist movement, will not be too elitist? You will not need to be at least aspiring writers to enjoy a text pessimistic?
should, I think, try to have fun with the subtleties of style and fun instead on other floors.
On the other hand, in general, the pessimism has really make sense, or is it another sterile intellectual play that can never make anything interesting literature? (Perhaps the most significant question: D)

3. Formal and material
pessimism pessimism pessimist
The plan must be limited to the stylistic and formal text or extend the content? What form and content will influence each other is inevitable, to some degree, but we must insist on this road for example by establishing (in the context of a narrative) through banal, full of holes, rambling, or write texts enjoyable beyond the form ?

The pessimist would then apply only to strictly artistic expressions of pessimism - the final product - and meanwhile develop a cooling-off "serious" parallel or even the poetic pessimist would be bad? The Manifesto of pessimism to be misspelled? This message that I'm writing, I should Starla writing bad? ( "You're doing )

4. New Horizons of pessimism
In opening the pessimistic guess I said that without wanting to explain the ugly. If on the other hand, hypothetically - not going to happen - the movement should have a serious development, stopping short of being the crap that has been so far, will sooner or later have to go to the root of the issue of bad .
Just to remember, in fact.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Dvr 550h-s Pioneer Hdmi 16:9 Too Small

The duty hello

Let's see if after a failed attempt two years and I will be able to maintain a blog.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Face Wash With No Alco

A fish with a human face

Last editing: 10.02.2008

The introduction

The impact is violent. Exoskeleton rock fragments, already consumed by friction on the surface, flying up to, say, like tens of kilometers or more (a considerable distance. considerable It is the least we can say that the event witness: it is more appropriate era, and: remarkable. That if the words were enough).
In summary, the fish Oannes coming back, and knowing it will be a comeback! Here he slips and splashes into the water of the Pacific, free of the armor that the embarrassment, the fins move smoothly. The star is reborn: I let myself be overwhelmed by emotion and gl'intono the ode that follows.

Here: Prencipe always beloved and revered,
Nerd and are foolish: / me erudite.
Spirit never buried, / cultured gentleman,
What little girl is the man: / me more.
Hexyl vessel guido, / Siim boatswain.
These were the verses in memory is lost over the millennia (in the original were anapaests, the translation is allowed some freedom).

Oannes projecting the two-faced head. "Thank you for your flattering song," (he is speaking to me!) "If I decide one day to possess the tangible value, we will give a solo horn of plenty, to refreshment."
And I, "Hosanna, sir, makes me honor."
"Similarly, if my verdict was: physical pain that is quite , fill you in agony."
And I, "Hosanna, sir, makes me honor."
analog amazing skill - for a man (not sure, in fact, a God).

*** "It's a strange tale," the child is smeared on the chair like a limp dummy.
"It's part of the classical repertoire Native American. Do not you like? "
" Do not tell me a story about Billy Complete Meal? "I had to guess, these kids today, he 's nothing that is not high-voltage plots, set in the Far West, and so on. But this western saga is amusing, then I reach for the book.
declamatory: 'You mean maybe Billy meal, outlaws and a man of honor, that in the most desolate prairies ... "(continued).
Before I lied. The Second Coming of Oannes is a strange story because it is not a fairy tale: it is the truth, and as before, alas, did not receptive audience. We know that people are willing to believe only in the improbable presence of a large number of healthy people who already believe. How do you form the first group? Or the phenomenon is good enough to advertise his show worthy (and Oannes is an inept media), or someone who tie their success to the miracle of faith will spread slowly, to different degrees of credibility.
I'm not that foolhardy to devote myself to the fish-man, but curious about the new generation would be fun and zero-banging enough.

a moment I close the book, and reopen on the title page: I have a few seconds before the little boy asks me to continue.

Abraham Mohammed Arcadi
Adventures in the Wild Billy West's "Complete Meal" outlaw
and honorable man, and his shoulder "cashew" Johnson
2005, Manutius publisher

I sense that the word is contamination. I do not want the good Arcadi, historical and geographical coordinates match after all, a bit 'of Oannes not invalidate the general sense of the work.