Monday, January 30, 2006

Older Snowmobiles For Sale


E 'true that by going to the City to deliver a document, a letter or an instance of the protocol you are kindly requested to leave the document to be made available and courteous, and invited to come back tomorrow to pick up the copy registered?
It 's true that in the printed copy to the user is only a number without paying stamp City Council will sign an employee of the protocol stating that they are so complete and exhaustive, the receipt, and only after verbal request made by the user is only the stamp of place?
It 's true that you can not access the Office Protocol despite you go to the City in the hours of access to the public?
would legitimate claim to deliver their documents, regardless of their level of confidentiality, directly within the Office Protocol and, where appropriate, to employees who probably is the completion of other duties? What
express regulations concerning the timing of delivery of a copy, registered or, if on oath, of any receipt for a document given that it is actually awaiting noted in the register of protocol, and what the regulations say about the best confidentiality of documents submitted for greater protection of user privacy?

The considerations noted and rumored city (considerations, however, contribute to the most important Public Opinion), which has taken the cue to make these logical and constructive questions, one hopes, of course, that ought to be considered unfounded, and is in fact sterile and to avoid damaging assumptions for the image of what is happening in our city of Augusta, who politely asks the authoritative Municipal Administration to make greater clarity on this issue by opening a possibly, still useful, fact-finding investigation on the effective management of incoming mail and the Protocol thereto of our town, waiting for it to finally address the important evolutionary process determined by the increased responsibilities municipal authorities in promoting local development, resource management and improving quality of service-oriented users as stated earlier in the year 2006 just the same municipal entity.

John Carved

Monday, January 16, 2006

House Designing Games

"Paper Prince": The municipal statute.

President Ciampi in his speech at Syracuse
"a democracy more transparent as well as more efficiently. "

E 'no doubt that the transparency of an institution" service provider "starting from a better advertising of their rules, as it is obvious that invite citizens to cooperate may result, in the public eye, to be very useful and consistent if the invitation does not follow the dissemination of tools for more complete information about how the administrative machinery and the bureaucracy which determines the quality of public services.
To grasp the suggestion of President Ciampi, to which we must be grateful for that, it would be good, for example, all the municipalities, which certainly have not had time to do so might make more user-friendly than what could be called "the paper the principles of transparency" that is, the Municipal Statute, perhaps providing the libraries for public consultation and web browsers that are not included in the website for those municipalities that can instead visit, a site , again for reasons of transparency, it may contain, nonetheless, a space where you can also consult the deliberations of the junta. After years of darkness on this side effective implementation of transparency would be a stronger signal demonstration of political renewal. I'm sure as soon as the City of Augusta will be a living example.
John Carved

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Streaming Programs South Park


Mr. Mayor Massimo Carrubba

Dear Mr. Mayor it is my opinion and not only mine that is about to experience a chance that can be considered greedy and certainly on the rare call to attention by national institutions for this wretched half our province: the President of the Republic is visiting Syracuse.
I feel the duty as a citizen and father, and ask you to take this opportunity to speak to President Ciampi on the disposal of harmful industrial projects planned in our area and their environmental consequences and health in mind, I ask that our environmental and health situation is bad because fifty years of industrialization which was wild permitted, according to popular opinion, partly because of censorship in the national newspaper has been under this earth that has been so detrimental in a penumbra region.
I am convinced, knowing his preparation, his intellectual honesty and his diplomatic skills, that you will succeed Mr. Mayor, despite the difficulties of a state visit, to be heard by the President as they played until today the citizens of Augusta, citizens whose only crime is to be born in a land that in addition to being subject to blackmail employment sacrifice the health of people living there to provide fuel and related to the whole nation. Waiting hopefully a positive response to the company as of now I thank you for your efforts and for what they can get.
and Yours Sincerely John

Thursday, January 5, 2006

Watery Cervical Mucus Just Before Period

immature? The primary began "work", a scandal could complete it.

abstain in the primaries, no matter how this decision has been worth the context, it was not exactly a specific and weighted my choice, I refused it, especially after that Italian society had to planking serious political myopia and ad personam "laws of right, and then feeling more than ever that we must do everything to win in the electoral competition, to accept the political immaturity of the mentally center-left coalition that he could not agree on one candidate without resorting to the electorate, otherwise, in my opinion, the risk of internal splits and the highest risk of a precarious stability of votes, all that negativity ' I era as "post-primary reminiscences." E 'logical to assume that if the primaries would bring with it a high risk of weakening the coalition never mind, needless to say, any scandals generated intrinsically, as is plain for everyone, from the too fine line between politics and business, and as it turned here right now, "inappropriate" more than ever, comes a first "round" gutter to confuse, to freeze, to astonished the ideal population center-left, and while this has now started the election campaign, thus risking the thing "unless hoped" and that the risk of serving on a silver platter right to a victory that, under normal circumstances it would be difficult to obtain. To tell the truth to other levels and particularly in certain areas, things are not so different, but despite the political-border business seems not to exist, this does not generate any scandal as if it were now an accepted fact in and digested "fortiori "it seems to be a" phenomenon "bi-partisan. Is there anyway to be considered an important and serious and that is that so many members with the political left, many fans and activists, many citizens feel betrayed pure idealist and moral guilt, and idelogicamente almost as if someone among the top "scrum" who loses his face is also the basis and then you feel strong, albeit briefly, the temptation of not being able to wrong to those who assert that the party politics that is not good policy, who claims that the party politics is nothing but a collection of short films with his own principles or many feuds with their arrogant lords who see politics as something private and exclusive to manage for its own use and consumption. Of course, the hope remains that the turmoil caused by the scandal we can narrow down maybe in a smoke-filled bulb that although it will inevitably may still not be too "dense, suffocating and enduring. There is to be concluded without free and easy moralism but rather very rationally that perhaps the only honest politician is capable of giving results that political and above all that still can not stop the progress of which should benefit from a civil society, despite ... everything.

John Carved