Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Streaming Programs South Park


Mr. Mayor Massimo Carrubba

Dear Mr. Mayor it is my opinion and not only mine that is about to experience a chance that can be considered greedy and certainly on the rare call to attention by national institutions for this wretched half our province: the President of the Republic is visiting Syracuse.
I feel the duty as a citizen and father, and ask you to take this opportunity to speak to President Ciampi on the disposal of harmful industrial projects planned in our area and their environmental consequences and health in mind, I ask that our environmental and health situation is bad because fifty years of industrialization which was wild permitted, according to popular opinion, partly because of censorship in the national newspaper has been under this earth that has been so detrimental in a penumbra region.
I am convinced, knowing his preparation, his intellectual honesty and his diplomatic skills, that you will succeed Mr. Mayor, despite the difficulties of a state visit, to be heard by the President as they played until today the citizens of Augusta, citizens whose only crime is to be born in a land that in addition to being subject to blackmail employment sacrifice the health of people living there to provide fuel and related to the whole nation. Waiting hopefully a positive response to the company as of now I thank you for your efforts and for what they can get.
and Yours Sincerely John


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