Thursday, January 5, 2006

Watery Cervical Mucus Just Before Period

immature? The primary began "work", a scandal could complete it.

abstain in the primaries, no matter how this decision has been worth the context, it was not exactly a specific and weighted my choice, I refused it, especially after that Italian society had to planking serious political myopia and ad personam "laws of right, and then feeling more than ever that we must do everything to win in the electoral competition, to accept the political immaturity of the mentally center-left coalition that he could not agree on one candidate without resorting to the electorate, otherwise, in my opinion, the risk of internal splits and the highest risk of a precarious stability of votes, all that negativity ' I era as "post-primary reminiscences." E 'logical to assume that if the primaries would bring with it a high risk of weakening the coalition never mind, needless to say, any scandals generated intrinsically, as is plain for everyone, from the too fine line between politics and business, and as it turned here right now, "inappropriate" more than ever, comes a first "round" gutter to confuse, to freeze, to astonished the ideal population center-left, and while this has now started the election campaign, thus risking the thing "unless hoped" and that the risk of serving on a silver platter right to a victory that, under normal circumstances it would be difficult to obtain. To tell the truth to other levels and particularly in certain areas, things are not so different, but despite the political-border business seems not to exist, this does not generate any scandal as if it were now an accepted fact in and digested "fortiori "it seems to be a" phenomenon "bi-partisan. Is there anyway to be considered an important and serious and that is that so many members with the political left, many fans and activists, many citizens feel betrayed pure idealist and moral guilt, and idelogicamente almost as if someone among the top "scrum" who loses his face is also the basis and then you feel strong, albeit briefly, the temptation of not being able to wrong to those who assert that the party politics that is not good policy, who claims that the party politics is nothing but a collection of short films with his own principles or many feuds with their arrogant lords who see politics as something private and exclusive to manage for its own use and consumption. Of course, the hope remains that the turmoil caused by the scandal we can narrow down maybe in a smoke-filled bulb that although it will inevitably may still not be too "dense, suffocating and enduring. There is to be concluded without free and easy moralism but rather very rationally that perhaps the only honest politician is capable of giving results that political and above all that still can not stop the progress of which should benefit from a civil society, despite ... everything.

John Carved


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