Monday, January 16, 2006

House Designing Games

"Paper Prince": The municipal statute.

President Ciampi in his speech at Syracuse
"a democracy more transparent as well as more efficiently. "

E 'no doubt that the transparency of an institution" service provider "starting from a better advertising of their rules, as it is obvious that invite citizens to cooperate may result, in the public eye, to be very useful and consistent if the invitation does not follow the dissemination of tools for more complete information about how the administrative machinery and the bureaucracy which determines the quality of public services.
To grasp the suggestion of President Ciampi, to which we must be grateful for that, it would be good, for example, all the municipalities, which certainly have not had time to do so might make more user-friendly than what could be called "the paper the principles of transparency" that is, the Municipal Statute, perhaps providing the libraries for public consultation and web browsers that are not included in the website for those municipalities that can instead visit, a site , again for reasons of transparency, it may contain, nonetheless, a space where you can also consult the deliberations of the junta. After years of darkness on this side effective implementation of transparency would be a stronger signal demonstration of political renewal. I'm sure as soon as the City of Augusta will be a living example.
John Carved


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