Friday, June 23, 2006

Milena Velba Carnival

The Constitution does not go ... " incinerated, I vote NO.

That reasoning is that of a wife who invites her husband to decide to change: the color walls, car, doctor, manager telephone, pizzeria, without changing those who administer the financial management of the family (ie you), making the decision subject to the concept "you for everything you propose or not for all that you propose?
VOTE NO to the proposed pseudo-federalism that in reality, on important subjects such as "general rules on the protection of health", "major strategic networks of transportation and navigation", "Strategic production, transport and distribution of national ' energy, "would increase the decision-making power of the central state. This does not seem so
federalist view that there are regions, such as Sicily, that in matters of health have much to "Lament" in that they carry are "Strategy" and in terms of energy they produce "Several" ... and it will always produce more.

John Carved

Sunday, June 18, 2006

List Of Different Woods

"Not in my backyard ... and even in that of others"

In Augusta, about three years, have crossed demonstrations, lectures, debates, torchlight processions, petitions, and whatever else be useful to inform, raise awareness and enable those who deem it necessary to contribute to "barriers" that attempted to stop the nefarious designs of the planned waste incinerator in our area. Despite this strong commitment to the decrees of authorization have been approved and published with the result that, as learned from the press, the institutions concerned and environmental groups have had to appeal to the Italian justice. This negative evolution of the story, leading to the explosive attack of a moving train, "he revealed, nevertheless, a certain fragility of" defense "probably due to a sort of widespread resignation based, perhaps, of the importance that employment attributes, very arguably, the indiscriminate plurality of types of plants that could host our industrial hub despite the common opinion of the population remains opposed.
There comes a time in all strategies, however, the more right in the important strategies for environmental protection and health protection, which tried to "plan A" without the expected success move on to "Plan B" plan that would consider the following:
"ask the location of incineration projects suggesting transfer to a specific type of alternative site, "not just say" not in my backyard "but more intellectually honest to add" not in that of other "viable showing a concrete proposal for safeguarding the health of humans and of ' environment in which they live view of the danger arising from pollution from incinerators as learned in recent years by leading environmentalists, doctors, professors.
The proposal then: in Sicily there are some areas, quite a few and not very large, involved in the phenomenon of "desertification", of course, areas devoid of water courses which could be polluted and where, for miles and miles, there are towns, areas for which there was no priority mail intervention to decrease the risk of desertification that is then grown in spite of this warning has been launched already in 2001 by scholars Enea;
modestly ask then, who considers valid incineration, to test the feasibility of moving the projects in these areas (of course giving them the necessary services for the implementation such as water pipelines, transport routes) are, apparently, a stay of derelict, desolate and isolated, and unused areas.
would be great sign of progress, meanwhile, put in place a more political logic of the waste by putting in place all necessary structures, (eg RCC) for the initial reduction, waste separation and recycling in a way that, as well as creating new and large jobs, we can hope, in the not too distant future, to consider them, in fact, a resource that, as such, could be exploited for the benefit of the users probably through a reduction in the bill.
The current disposal continues to look to the citizens passed all the problems it behaves like the fast depletion of landfills and pollution of the territory that is home, problems and emergencies, perhaps today, that might motivate the wrong absolute importance of the draft incineration while the real solution is precisely the reduction and recycling of materials . John

Friday, June 9, 2006

Alberta Driver's License Template


Dear President of the Sicilian, I would, with the This, in the meantime thank you for being concerned, these days, let me send you your medical card with electronic chip, which is useful to take advantage of the benefits of the National Health Service.
In his separate letter addressed to me, as well as recommendations to use this card to apply for health benefits of various types, you settle, if I understand, other National and Regional Services which brings me add just a few examples. Let me express
then, considering the fact that I live in Augusta, requests for clarification concerning other possible services that might contain.
And 'maybe, magically, a card "so big and strong" behind which I can shelter from the consequences of any incidents in our industrial area where another is planned for the construction of a massive LNG terminal at high risk of a major accident?
E 'case for a card that will allow me the facilities where I should be suffering from cancerous disease considering that I live in an area with high environmental crisis which has been widely demonstrated the link between industry and disease area affected by many other projects of urban and industrial waste incineration?
E 'a card that will allow me, if I decide to do, to face the expense and trouble of a transfer of residence in any other area where I could finally feel safe from pollution produced by today's chemical and petrochemical plants that produce pollution and waste incineration plants in the event that were really built?
E 'a card that will help you achieve a proper and legitimate compensation for past and future damage from the environment and human health?
E 'a card that gives immediate implementation, who is an Italian citizen, the right to a stable employment that would not only be able to enjoy the sacred right of labor but also to continue to remain, above all, more wisely and more comfortably, politically free?

Dear President in the event that the His answer to these questions I would be politely turned a "YES" I thank you very much because this would correspond to the good feeling that, as they say, in an "iron barrel" if your answer to my questions were be a "NO" this would correspond to distinct impression, which continues to have, to be in a "wooden box", I would most certainly believe this, I apologize for my frankness, to think that is the case, for the inhabitants of this area, to include in the health insurance card, even more generous, a good discount on any purchase of articles of a certain type, it would be better than nothing if these items were to ... "To use them without seeing them."
thank and salute a trust in your kind prompt reply, sorry if you take advantage of this to wish health card holders residing in these areas, of course ... due spells.

John Carved

Thursday, June 1, 2006

Remote Control Motorboats

Waterfront Paradise, we can say the same ... "WORKS FINE".

I am convinced that a municipality is always aware of what is happening in the city, especially as a fortiori what happens in the yards for public works and what extent is the state of the art work.
This consideration gives greater value, if ever proof were needed, to my request for a friendly press conference calls by the competent administrative bodies to inform the citizens but especially the residents of the neighborhood Paradise progress regarding the rehabilitation of part of the Paradise Promenade closed to traffic, I remember, for about three years and any events which may have slowed down or, apparently, even interrupted the work.
It is no exaggeration, in my opinion, be considered inconceivable after the famous long wait, it seems obvious to everybody and that is that after the opening of the site took place in February, the only work done was the removal of the layer of asphalt and then nothing in that for about a month and half the labor movement is no longer noticed.
Faced with this fact you are not able to figure out how you can respect the logical time for completion of work and rapid re-opening of the Promenade.
Who in February referred to "a positive epilogue of a story that has dragged on too long," I remember, even in a constructive way, that would really be the case at this point with greater interest and commitment to end as soon as possible nuisance penalty suffered by residents of the neighborhood Paradise and unrewarding vision of a maritime coast damaged that does nothing but belittle the work of the first institutions and also remember that words could perhaps in the past text but also make the facts to bear concrete results and sin'oggi of facts regarding this difficult matter, for the truth if they have seen a few, not to say anything but we can say the same ... after work.

John Carved
Democrats of the Left