Sunday, June 18, 2006

List Of Different Woods

"Not in my backyard ... and even in that of others"

In Augusta, about three years, have crossed demonstrations, lectures, debates, torchlight processions, petitions, and whatever else be useful to inform, raise awareness and enable those who deem it necessary to contribute to "barriers" that attempted to stop the nefarious designs of the planned waste incinerator in our area. Despite this strong commitment to the decrees of authorization have been approved and published with the result that, as learned from the press, the institutions concerned and environmental groups have had to appeal to the Italian justice. This negative evolution of the story, leading to the explosive attack of a moving train, "he revealed, nevertheless, a certain fragility of" defense "probably due to a sort of widespread resignation based, perhaps, of the importance that employment attributes, very arguably, the indiscriminate plurality of types of plants that could host our industrial hub despite the common opinion of the population remains opposed.
There comes a time in all strategies, however, the more right in the important strategies for environmental protection and health protection, which tried to "plan A" without the expected success move on to "Plan B" plan that would consider the following:
"ask the location of incineration projects suggesting transfer to a specific type of alternative site, "not just say" not in my backyard "but more intellectually honest to add" not in that of other "viable showing a concrete proposal for safeguarding the health of humans and of ' environment in which they live view of the danger arising from pollution from incinerators as learned in recent years by leading environmentalists, doctors, professors.
The proposal then: in Sicily there are some areas, quite a few and not very large, involved in the phenomenon of "desertification", of course, areas devoid of water courses which could be polluted and where, for miles and miles, there are towns, areas for which there was no priority mail intervention to decrease the risk of desertification that is then grown in spite of this warning has been launched already in 2001 by scholars Enea;
modestly ask then, who considers valid incineration, to test the feasibility of moving the projects in these areas (of course giving them the necessary services for the implementation such as water pipelines, transport routes) are, apparently, a stay of derelict, desolate and isolated, and unused areas.
would be great sign of progress, meanwhile, put in place a more political logic of the waste by putting in place all necessary structures, (eg RCC) for the initial reduction, waste separation and recycling in a way that, as well as creating new and large jobs, we can hope, in the not too distant future, to consider them, in fact, a resource that, as such, could be exploited for the benefit of the users probably through a reduction in the bill.
The current disposal continues to look to the citizens passed all the problems it behaves like the fast depletion of landfills and pollution of the territory that is home, problems and emergencies, perhaps today, that might motivate the wrong absolute importance of the draft incineration while the real solution is precisely the reduction and recycling of materials . John


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