Thursday, June 1, 2006

Remote Control Motorboats

Waterfront Paradise, we can say the same ... "WORKS FINE".

I am convinced that a municipality is always aware of what is happening in the city, especially as a fortiori what happens in the yards for public works and what extent is the state of the art work.
This consideration gives greater value, if ever proof were needed, to my request for a friendly press conference calls by the competent administrative bodies to inform the citizens but especially the residents of the neighborhood Paradise progress regarding the rehabilitation of part of the Paradise Promenade closed to traffic, I remember, for about three years and any events which may have slowed down or, apparently, even interrupted the work.
It is no exaggeration, in my opinion, be considered inconceivable after the famous long wait, it seems obvious to everybody and that is that after the opening of the site took place in February, the only work done was the removal of the layer of asphalt and then nothing in that for about a month and half the labor movement is no longer noticed.
Faced with this fact you are not able to figure out how you can respect the logical time for completion of work and rapid re-opening of the Promenade.
Who in February referred to "a positive epilogue of a story that has dragged on too long," I remember, even in a constructive way, that would really be the case at this point with greater interest and commitment to end as soon as possible nuisance penalty suffered by residents of the neighborhood Paradise and unrewarding vision of a maritime coast damaged that does nothing but belittle the work of the first institutions and also remember that words could perhaps in the past text but also make the facts to bear concrete results and sin'oggi of facts regarding this difficult matter, for the truth if they have seen a few, not to say anything but we can say the same ... after work.

John Carved
Democrats of the Left


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