Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Best Value Home Theater India


What do you think of the bridge over the Strait of Messina?

a) E 'a vital work because ...
b) E 'a work useful but not necessary because ...
c) It 's a good work but there are the following priorities ...
d) E 'by a useless, no need to progress in Sicily because ...
e) E 'a harmful work because ...
f) More ...

proposed by

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Elysee Sonic Brush Replacement

Birth of a new Web space: "... AugustaVìvã in all three senses"

Although it is still under construction has already visited a new blog-site: Augustavìvã.
to contribute in our city, promoting communication, information and dissemination of culture in all its aspects, simply offering arguments through the expression of ideas and opinions.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Inputting To Laptop Vga Out Port


dear and loved ones .... laughing and joking over a week has passed since my last post and in the meantime, including an inventory and a lot of work, I went to see a Filmon: I was a hair APOCALYPTO
Passion biased because I had provoked violent retching, not because it was bad, but because it was a hair ... Raw ...
Now, I would like to point out that I eat bread and splatter, but Passion was something else ... 2000 years ago it was very likely that a person sentenced in Palestine did that end regardless of who Christ was a man or X, and I'm sure why we should find a film that makes Jews look bad ... IT WAS SO 'is not that were intentionally bad with Jesus as such ... Anyway ... I was expecting a film about the Aztec peoples exterminated by those pieces of shit bastards colonnizzatori of the conquistadores, and instead surprise!! A story that I did not expect (because I have not read presentations or anything like that to not affect me) ... The tag line was translated wrong ... NO ONE CAN 'ESCAPE FROM THEIR FATE which portends a disgusting and bloody end to all in the original language WHEN THE END COMES, NOT EVERYONE IS READY TO GO (when the end comes, not all are ready to leave) is not as defeatist as the Italian version ....
ok ... ignoring the small detail that the protagonist runs for 72 hours straight with a piece of the lance that pierces the liver probably (if the anatomy was not different at the time), plus another get him near the heart, but never dies (it was really one of these supermen maya ), the film turns out to be really interesting.
We exclude the opening scene where a tapir hunt and pulp ... but you have no idea how dare gigi a tapir? then not only spatassano, eat well the balls!! But we certainly can not be amazed ... Mel is a well-known mangiacadaveri ... it does not matter to him a tapir? Note to Valerio Staffelli ... not deliver a golden tapir else eats the balls and breaks, the white big teeth! Despicable ...
Among other things this movie has a pile of Predator and a bit of Mad Max (though it was the predator that was dear Arnold melgar him to continue making films than to make the terminator of Florida, as if this were not enough to Bushy JR ' America), more action Movie Passion but I also understand that the story of what had already been written ... mica we could put that Christ is freed from the cross with a triple pike and take blows to the Centurions ... come on ... (But might be fun ).... hehehehehehe
Anyway, what I liked most was the absolute boss of headhunters ... a figure that is fierce, but also proves to be loving towards the child, and this makes understand that that kind of struggle for life was a natural thing in this world that is sinking and the traditions.
Morale ... checcachcio c'avete to argue about violence ????? But you do not realize that CODACONS dear children under 14 that have both 3 feet of hair on my stomach?? have you ever played Resident Evil?? What do you think the Maya fought with daisies?? But check all that your children watch on TV?? or even melgar to TG?? I beat it really have to laugh ...

Thursday, January 4, 2007

Pattern For Fondant Ballet Slippers

Spending Italian

Dear readers of these pages funny insane (but then there will be some readers?? But .... chemmefrega)
Do you know when the supermarket outdated almost flying the produce department in fear of taking too much fiber and so do PLINPLIN or even worse, dissolve in a sea of \u200b\u200bPLONPLON? go to take shelter in safer dairy departments, showcases, fish, meat department and feel heartened to see things like Sofficini (the smoked ham and cheese, mushrooms, tomato and mozzarella, the eel, the endangered white rhino ), so those absurd breaded chicken on a stick that you eat, the hot dogs with ketchup already built (GMOs clearly!), the roast pig uncle Peppino a protected designation of origin (from whom?? of who you are afraid Uncle Peppino?? tell us!), immediately filled the carriage of such things .... hmmm ... tasty .... tasty .... hopelessly fried (because let's face it ... chiccavolo the heats in the oven? 8 liters of oil in frying pan and a nice teflon! that's what it takes!) ... then please, do not forget the milk .... need to grow and is good for bones, menopause does not help break down the femur, is nutritious, then if you throw a tub of dento Nesquick Syrup to go crazy from the amazing benefits of this concentrated bolus of delight ... And we turn to the case denied a treat?? you who work all day cone crazy? you who spend millions of euros in cheaper subscriptions paestra to chat with the duty so cool so cool or envying abdominal panic that seems to sit and rock climbed criuse Tom in Mission Impossible 2?? Come on, come on .... fix it 3 times a week and try to make a jealous fear, makes you burn lots of calories ... and then you deserve a treat! Ecchediamine!!
And so ... do not know what to choose .... lane of the dried sweet biscuits, snack foods (the moral is always the same, do you snack with swivel!), prepared for the Cameo cake type sub-contracts to the preparation Eminflex, since dele cakes are so soft that you can even sleep up .... And then the lane 16000000000 freezer with different types of ice cream, cookie trays with and without, three drowned multiple intercepted such as Carte d'Or, cones, pods and here .... the fucking ice cream on stick!! imagine a relative of the chicken that you eat on the fence .... come on, if you took the chicken that we can not buy ice cream ... otherwise send failed companies like the Miracle Blade III Giostile and perfect series, since you no longer use cutlery ...
And then there ... He's surrounded by white neon ... the bank of desserts handmade by skilled committed supermarket el ... A stain to puddings, pies with meringue, Saint Honoré .... and then she ... Sacher ... Well the choice seems obvious ... with an almost reverential fear wrap with feverish fingers, in an almost sensual the plastic box that contains those four ounces of sponge cake chocolate cut in two with a precision of Ninja and spread with apricot jam all covered by a curtain of chocolate, but I recommend it! Milk! that is good for bones and why dark chocolate is so amaaaaroooooo ....
And after a quick detour in the department of 'things that you buy once in a while' type coffee and flour, you head with sure-footed even if burdened by a hair trolley that now overflowing with food 'good, natural and healthy' (and if you do not believe me ask a doctor, I mean the cows were 1,000,000 hectares of pasture where they can run free and happy as butterflies, chickens are raised on the ground and you pause for a moment if your imagination fly toward the green fields where roam and hunt worms, fluttering free, because in your imagination, the chickens fly ... eccheccacchio, have wings!), however, you head with a firm step towards the shelves of the hippie full of tisanine, and that stuff made from soy ... In short, the jelly for the sick is not it? freatta and take in, without getting out too much, the tisanina based mauve which digest, because sometimes you know ... the heaviness of stomach, tisanina with fennel is draining, because you know, you are the thighs are a bit 'stretched ... will be water retention .... and of course the family Multicentrum barattolone format, with 17 thousand vitamins, because you know, vitamins and minerals never enough, even in a balanced diet ... You head to the checkout and, happy as a child when you are going to pay .... oh no! Now that you see them next to the cash, ask yourself how could you even think that your spending was complete without Mars, Lion, Kit Kat and Bounty, eccerto ... have a snack on, how many calories you will never have? 50? Up to 100! Have you eat a day and certainly not affect your line ... round .... but not round! are the bones that are great! At least eat a little bread for dinner and you're done .... do not worry .... Here's the case ... sure and garrulous paid the bill ... 175 Euri ... and ... really increased the stuff to eat ...

Well, you who I circumvented in supermarkets like locusts ... listening with strained ears that says Antonella Clerici, or Artusi ... dwell for a moment to think that your groceries are actually the result of the exploitation of millions of animals every day are killed maltrattai and to allow you fatten your ass and that your accounts do enrich multimazionali salty guy.
Reflect for a moment about what you do. Do you think in your stomach and intestines are rot-proof bodies of the poor animals ... what? eat the meat only a few times a week but you can not say no to cold cuts? because the sausage is it? made of flowers? not sure if he did not eat flowers because it is unlucky ....
Well ... if unfortunately you go have a look at these sites:
maybe you'll realize that not everything I write is crap ....
ragazzuoli Hello!

Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Do You Wee On Chillblains

Booyaka 619

nb as my pc refuses to download the photos I post the links in the hope to soon remedy the problem ....

Sul'onda homonymous song by POD, I scapicollo network in order to deepen my consocenza of Wrestling, which is a bit 'firm to Andre the Giant, Boink the Clown, Jake the Snake, Hulk Hogan Yokozuna and semprebiondissimo ... Recall together that Sunday morning in which the objectives were passing the epic events of the WWF (World Wrestling Federation ... not the World Wildlife Fund).
and imitating those who, let's face it, they were a bit 'heroes of our boys as well, of course, the Ken Falco superbolide looking to land his cousin with a empy thrown by jumping off the couch ... ah ... that good times .... So much so that
hours surfing the always very efficient Goooooooogle discover that Hulk Hogan has been given to the objectives with a kind of reality-sitcom like 'The Osbournes', entitled 'Hogan Knows Best' ... Where he, his wife, son and daughter (and dog!), In addition to using the same shade of blond fulminant pseudo live their life every day (Seeeeeee) and looks a bit ', what the daughter wants to grow up ?????? THE SINGER !!!!! And what did you expect from the daughter of HH? We hope that at least one t-shirt Traps like daddy, because he deserves more than I should say ...

finally coming to the WWF .... No one now!! has changed its name!! now called WWE?? What happened?? Rights issues with the cute Panda bear??
Oh well ... overlook ... Smackdown .... Raw ... Hei! Roddy Piper is still alive!! Ricordiamocelo for a hyperbolic second in his performace as an actor in ESSI LIVE ... moments of cinema to never forget ... I sciugo the tears and runs the full pages of superstar ... Viscera ... Snitsky ... SUPER CRAZY (this type which has the name that says it all ....), but then I stop at Umag ... OOOOHHHH and finally a guy a little different than usual .... I'm with a big face of all Samoan Pitt to party and lingual de fora ... because let's face it ... New wrestlers are all a bit 'same ... A bit 'pumped, beautiful hair on the ass that even a child makes him a butt ... Weee ... SMACKDOWN .... I understand that another federation or if it is just another show because the machos are too many ... And here comes the best ... Rey Mysterio finally met ... very bad dwarf that spins in the ring like a Tasmanian devil with this infamous 619 ... ecche is ... hangs on the ropes and kicks rotating the unfortunate ....
I would like to point out that in the end you turn twists are still there ....
Call it a different name but it is always great and everlasting football rotating uncle CHUCK NORRIS!! And here we discover the secret of Rey ... must have been obviously coached by the shit-kickers megamitico Texas Ranger!

Look at 'beautiful masks that you put this guy ... All colored party that even El Dia De La Muerte ... I wonder if you ever remove the .... then comes to hand me a page on this .. Oscar Guttierrez ... Oh ... Parbleu!! But it is the Rey!! In fact it is very understandable that you wear a mask ....

with this face does not even scare my grandmother in Barrow !!!!!!!!!! !!!!!! Happy
of this journey into the world of wrestling, so many happy memories I emerge from the cerebellum, apostolic me on the couch and wait patiently for my better half is made live at home ... I wonder if I will still love the empy .... J

Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Free Canadian Drivers License Templates

philosophical dissertations on the Scissor Sisters

do not know if there is ever a song that particularly inspire movements and extremely ill- dragqueeneschi .... Well TA DAH of the Scissor Sisters I always checchissimi Platinette transformed into the situation ...
ok ok let's say that I'm not usually a macho .... indeed .... but generally I try to give me a semblance of Masculo .... which just starts the riff very ABBEGGIANTE (ie ABBA) of 'I do not feel like dancing' ... I am part of the Saturday Night Fever John Travolta even that ....
anyway!! the thing that fills me with perplessitudine is that if I stop to read the text of such a song: Do not feel like dancing. although I have nothing better to do, I do not like dancing, why let you go if you're not dell'unore right? I like dancing, dancing alone at home I would rather not if I can be with you .... But
Let us realize that it is a sad song !!!!! Meanwhile, I become elated and depressed because this is only and does not like to dance!!
interesting to see how something that makes a guy sad face sbellicare another ...
brackets ... applaud as big as a house for the band Scissor because they are more trash-chic in recent years!
scaricatevi I recommend the entire album!! J.

Position Of Cervix 5 Days Before Period

Cristina D'Avena and the new year

the New Year is Upon your arrival, and I have not noticed .... I was too busy chasing Cristina D'Avena, who would sing for the party last year to my country and me missed it !!!!!
Let's talk about ... The
Cristina is a bit the champion of the law as a sailor in our hearts ... the Annette that makes us feel like little Lucien ... The Candy Candy that keeps us close to raccoons as if ...
How can we forget the songs that have accompanied us from puppies and taught us important things like how to survive on a desert island Little Flo ... leggiardi calisthenics or walking as the harmonious Hilary ... or even play volleyball shackled by the infamous Mimi?? The new year started with a dream of mine broke .... to shake hands with the one who got me excited with his AAAAriva Cristiiiiiinaaaaaaaaa ..... But ... butt ... Cristina nothing ....
Resolutions for the new year: to know Christ and ask how she can still laurels.
Happy New Year to all! J.