Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Do You Wee On Chillblains

Booyaka 619

nb as my pc refuses to download the photos I post the links in the hope to soon remedy the problem ....

Sul'onda homonymous song by POD, I scapicollo network in order to deepen my consocenza of Wrestling, which is a bit 'firm to Andre the Giant, Boink the Clown, Jake the Snake, Hulk Hogan Yokozuna and semprebiondissimo ... Recall together that Sunday morning in which the objectives were passing the epic events of the WWF (World Wrestling Federation ... not the World Wildlife Fund).
and imitating those who, let's face it, they were a bit 'heroes of our boys as well, of course, the Ken Falco superbolide looking to land his cousin with a empy thrown by jumping off the couch ... ah ... that good times .... So much so that
hours surfing the always very efficient Goooooooogle discover that Hulk Hogan has been given to the objectives with a kind of reality-sitcom like 'The Osbournes', entitled 'Hogan Knows Best' ... Where he, his wife, son and daughter (and dog!), In addition to using the same shade of blond fulminant pseudo live their life every day (Seeeeeee) and looks a bit ', what the daughter wants to grow up ?????? THE SINGER !!!!! And what did you expect from the daughter of HH? We hope that at least one t-shirt Traps like daddy, because he deserves more than I should say ...

finally coming to the WWF .... No one now!! has changed its name!! now called WWE?? What happened?? Rights issues with the cute Panda bear??
Oh well ... overlook ... Smackdown .... Raw ... Hei! Roddy Piper is still alive!! Ricordiamocelo for a hyperbolic second in his performace as an actor in ESSI LIVE ... moments of cinema to never forget ... I sciugo the tears and runs the full pages of superstar ... Viscera ... Snitsky ... SUPER CRAZY (this type which has the name that says it all ....), but then I stop at Umag ... OOOOHHHH and finally a guy a little different than usual .... I'm with a big face of all Samoan Pitt to party and lingual de fora ... because let's face it ... New wrestlers are all a bit 'same ... A bit 'pumped, beautiful hair on the ass that even a child makes him a butt ... Weee ... SMACKDOWN .... I understand that another federation or if it is just another show because the machos are too many ... And here comes the best ... Rey Mysterio finally met ... very bad dwarf that spins in the ring like a Tasmanian devil with this infamous 619 ... ecche is ... hangs on the ropes and kicks rotating the unfortunate ....
I would like to point out that in the end you turn twists are still there ....
Call it a different name but it is always great and everlasting football rotating uncle CHUCK NORRIS!! And here we discover the secret of Rey ... must have been obviously coached by the shit-kickers megamitico Texas Ranger!

Look at 'beautiful masks that you put this guy ... All colored party that even El Dia De La Muerte ... I wonder if you ever remove the .... then comes to hand me a page on this .. Oscar Guttierrez ... Oh ... Parbleu!! But it is the Rey!! In fact it is very understandable that you wear a mask ....

with this face does not even scare my grandmother in Barrow !!!!!!!!!! !!!!!! Happy
of this journey into the world of wrestling, so many happy memories I emerge from the cerebellum, apostolic me on the couch and wait patiently for my better half is made live at home ... I wonder if I will still love the empy .... J


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