Friday, September 24, 2010

How Many Computers Can Nero 9 Be Installed On

Speech by Maureen Loy
the first round table Big & Small, 23/10/2008

It's over a 'period lasted more than 30 years , which began in 1972 with the first Carrefour in Carugate , stage which covered the island with supermarkets and shopping malls.
The news has changed the commercial and urban fabric, because the 'idea imported too often has not been reconciled by the due attention to the specific Italian.
reflection today, the focus is on the future of this formula, and a certain way of doing business, not to replace but to complement ideas, paths, new format closer to the Italian customer. Surely the contingency scenarios outlining different from those of the seventies and later.
I consumption are stationary, with worrying recessions in many industries, the 'inflation industry growth is over.
In Rome in the 80s, in a socio-economic situation totally different from today's, have been hypothesized the shopping centers "metropolitan," which were only opened in recent years changed scenario is completely different , think only the different demographic structure of the country and city, or delay construction of related infrastructure. with
The city sees initiatives with strong conceptual approval that led to the creation of photocopy centers, not places, we can say without distinctiveness. The size of these centers scare the client, the trivialization of 'offering him away and turns to other facilities for its purchases.
The bureaucracy has killed the development and deluded that there were changes, but change is the only certainty in our business: •
Change the customer : its ability to pay and its sensitivity
change cities: for example, new districts and suffocating traffic
Changing costs: energy in the first place, that has affected so heavy Income of the industry and distributors.
The market is not growing and, conversely, increase the horizontal and vertical competition, and very often those abnormal , however that "fish" in the same portfolio !
Everything is more complicated, everything is in ever shorter restricted.

She came back the next: close and convenient.
The small supermarket, or discount, the house where the price is always higher than the hyper, you do your daily shopping without transport costs, wasted time, unnecessary storage. and income, the consumer, puts us all: the price of the product is just one of many factors that determine convenience.
The crisis has generated "simulated" anti-crisis behavior and reactions from the customer who has found in some formulas or channel responses to the new way to make purchases.
The discount is one of these: it is convenient, close, convenient and fast, in its various forms, is also a response to a change in the distribution scenario: in less meters and with less cost satisfies the customer.
The Retail park can be a 'no answer to the crisis of retail shopping center because, while pursuing similar aims, leaving more freedom of access to customers, with installation costs sustainable for distributors.
Beware not to get confused: Not all discount are equal, not all have the same path approach, including physical, to the customer.
As speak Swedish is not automatically the answer to questions of convenience and quality of the customer: you have great skills to decline in our market formula.
for this formula as the Superstore maintain excellent performance even in this situation of crisis in consumption.
So the key is listening to customers and give correct answers and consistent.
In this situation the economic structure of distribution companies has evolved to create a new balance of income, affected by:
• Increased competition , for the same market
• Greater promotional pressure, with the "sacrifices" of increasingly heavy margin, of which, however, the customer is tired and not "bait" anymore!
Main problems in relationships with industry, which no longer wants to solve the problems of GDO with advances of premiums and discounts which now benefit from the grandchildren of the interested buyer! The price war between (industry) and retail price (retail) is always open.
All actors in the distribution are looking for, we hope, in search of new answers Gross Margin lost :
brand products, which are growing market share and have a national average of around 13%, but Some chains are already over 20%.
purchases in the sector, steps to decrease.
online auctions, to reduce costs .
discounts custom, and tied to real co-marketing activities.
The market needs new format closely related to our urban typology and social imported models have shown their limitations: they arrived already old, embedded in social and urban contexts other than the original ones, and , not least in a legal system - authorization - like the Italian one that has expanded enormously in the time of creation.
must give answers - simple- to customer needs:
revisiting, revitalizing, forms of commerce known as "traditional."
analyze and control the supply chain, the short one!
• Building a new culture of commerce.
Beware of new "temptations" exotic: the Farmer's Market in the U.S. behind endless production systems, we produce in areas with highly fragmented individualism and often insurmountable. The average size of U.S. farms is at least 10 times that of the Italian ones!
The customer is leaving the hyper and has transformed the CC in place to walk, not buy: cd tourism trade is the answer to a customer disappointed and who runs away from any temptation to purchase to seek, perhaps just a place to stay fresh in a sultry summer afternoon.
I Shopping Centers metropolitan Romans are sleeping giants pending an economic revival and consumption.
Pending work on what we need today is for mission, close to the customer, affordable, genuine .

The proposal then goes three ways:

; In new neighborhoods, the market must bring life, safety, new impetus to the social, do not create structures that lead to detached single neighborhood traffic and pollution.
• Do not destroy the commercial fabric, but work to enhance and harmonize all the system components from Department to the local market.
• The downtown market without becoming a museum, the empty dormitory suburbs and dangerous.
Before the meeting places were simple and immediate (squares, speakers, etc..) Joins us today where in the mall?

Rome has 136 markets, at least 30% enjoys a convenient location and can be put back into play.
• The city has structures to be enhanced, as the CAR for example, to provide procurement and logistics. Short chain and typical products and local authorities are ready to enter the field, if well orchestrated.
can no longer deal with the market only in terms of real estate, but the theme of the renewal of the market should develop in harmony both in a commercial planning.
• We need to address regulatory changes immediately to protect a key area for trade and the consumer, to give the market the role it deserves.

Retail Park
• The shopping center management and unsustainable cost of hiring, the retail park offers a viable alternative, very pleasing to the customer.
• It is essential to properly frame them in terms of urban infrastructure to have suffered correct for the customer and the logistics .
The infrastructure should be completed before the opening and not thereafter, it is important not to repeat the mistakes that we have seen in the past.

The local markets: a value to be recovered:
• They must remain in the traditional and genuine relationship with the customer
Specialists and close to local industry and typical
integrated logistics system and the local fuel
• No more unnecessary personality but with aggregates of all or part only in activities such as purchases or sales, united in the Company ( sas) and / or consortia to develop the site immediately implement the regulatory changes needed to implement change.
• In the new markets more space to leisure, catering and handicrafts
We launched some food for thought for a new and harmonious must be harmonious development of trade.
hope that politics can share the 'goal of giving support and guidance to trade useful to the city, attractive to consumers and stimulating for tourists .
This will turn into big advantage for all entrepreneurs


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