Friday, September 24, 2010

Install Welded Wire Fence

History and evolution paths of the Discount in Italy

Mauro Loy's book offers us an interesting overview of the origin, dissemination and consolidation of discount since the early post-war reconstruction in Germany, passing through the first experiences in our country at the beginning 90s, up to date.
We have the opportunity to retrace the evolution of a formula - while remaining true to its''philosophy''of the base made of limited selection, all attention focused on cost, low prices, standardization of procedures work - has been able to adapt and offer new variations on the basis of Bid different market environments and changes in consumption and lifestyles.
We are given a description of an''original''business philosophy - that of Aldi - which has a consistency of management milestones: the structural features of the stores, limited assortment, the presence of executive staff reduced and concentrated on acquisitions and sales, the sobriety of the corporate style, the obsessive attention to costs, the waiver of excess''technology''to the definition of a business model that requires that there is'' no lies''in the job, but''the obsessive repetition of paths, actions, and planned activities designed to ensure the lowest cost of operations ".
The consideration of Mauro Loy is the first successful formula derives precisely from having been able to perfectly combine the its corporate philosophy to economic contingency of postwar Germany. It 'illuminating in this respect (although it should be dropped in that historical context) a statement attributed to the mother of the founders of ALDI, "when people go wrong, for us it's good!" . But at the same time, the success of the following decades comes from the ability to evolve the''formula''ALDI and accompany growth of the economy and German society, loyal to the original spirit.
interesting is the part of the work devoted to the arrival of the discount formula in Italy with the opening in 1992 in Verona, the first store LIDL.
From the initial moments of skepticism about the formula was arrived within a few years, the proliferation of discount brands of different groups, many of whom have ended quickly with out of business because, driven by an excess of improvisation, proved unable to take charge of the management model in a consistent manner and to ensure proper value for money.
In recent years the market has done justice to the villains and imitators, arrived today, we can not fail to recognize the success of the formula.
The discount has been able to find even in Italy via a''national''closer and closer to our customs and traditions while at the same time, consumers have become more aware, sensitive to market proposals and capable of use in an integrated channels for the different expenditure needs.
The most recent data on the progress of various distribution channels confirm that in our country the number of discount stores and sales are growing steadily, with a widespread distribution throughout the country.
This is the channel in recent years has seen the greatest growth, with a parallel increase in customers.
No doubt we are faced with an enrichment of the distribution: Loy's book helps us understand the reasons for this success.


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