Thursday, March 29, 2007

How To Generate Electricity From A Motor

Descent into Hell (Verses scattered)

Precipitates with wings of lead
winged goddess who becomes powder

lacking the comfort of a rain d ' silver

Hail dirty ferrous
rages on my mantle
On a bitter heart rumbling
There lashes out with his hammer

stripped doubts
With eyes that now bleeds
And all around is silent and trembling
And the black sand slips

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Forex Breakout Strategies

The gossip did boom

's elite vip of our society is in crisis. An anonymous, so to speak since gained popularity in recent years, pm Power of attorney has made mess of the golden world of the caste of untouchables. The investigations John Woodcock departed in 2001, when he put on trial a member of the ds. Then put the bar in succession and the consequent 78 well-media pillory politicians, showbiz personalities, journalists in the famous " VIP gate" of 2003. Striking was the arrest of Vittorio Emanuele di Savoia for his tour of scams and prostitution in 2006. Today his investigation Vallettopoli is exposing the squalor of the world of television show and, also involving the politics.

Logically, the ruling class (all units), feeling aggrieved party, has been formulated through an absurd counter Guarantor for the privacy which immediately banned the publication and dissemination of news that did not interest the public. Yes, but if you comes to public figures as we do? Perhaps it can be understood as a restriction of press freedom ? In addition, the Guarantor has issued a ban on disseminating information not specific
, especially with regard to sex life of public figures. Although this seems like a contradiction, since in any case even the most squalid and morbid details can be defined as news and information. On second thought, it would be nice opinions on the sex lives of people were irrelevant, but because in the real world you are often discriminated against and singled out for their own tastes and actions, I do not see why even the popular figures should not be subject to review by the public . Indeed, in a system that works, you just need Startup that they are monitored in this way.

But now ask: why the good pm can periodically raise cases so uncomfortable for the establishment elite, resulting in a high-profile media ?
The characters of the show often are born, live and die (like public image) by strategies gossip. Their strength is precisely the popularity, often gained from events scandalistci and / or news really stupid, but in the public interest. So why bury the advertising system festival of television? Why involve figures of politics?

The celebrity is supposed to be assessed and measured by the public who has the power to give it away but also to deny and ignore. It 'just a scandal as Vallettopoli to devalue a character? No way. teaches Kate Moss. The now famous Crown said that the ongoing scandal has increased its bussiness and its popularity. The key to understanding the system is quite simple: look . Only this. But the privilege of VIP is granted or denied only by the powers that be.

In my opinion it was not enough as the TV bandwagon and scandals of Football divert public opinion from the news and important facts. Then he devised a new populist theme act to fill the front pages of newspapers in order to relegate the information of public interest in the sidebars on page 20. How
Carlo Bertani wrote in an article in May of 1981 the first rumors on the leaked of the Masonic lodge P2 . At the time of the debate in parliament
a tragic news struck the whole country: a child in the Roman countryside, Alfredo Rampi , remained trapped at the bottom of a well. This tragedy was transformed into the largest media event Italian of the period. It mobilized the higher institutions, including the President Sandro Pertini. Images were transmitted to the unified network RAI in a direct ending. The death of the baby moved all over Italy and the P2 case delayed a few months. Later it was discovered that the child was thrown into the well and to this day his murder remains a mystery. An example of
filler media today, in a less tragic, and through judicial sources said, is repeated with the scandals and the Vallettopoli -whore politicians tour. Just to hide the more the work of the government pursuing uncomfortable issues such as reform continues ultracapitalistica labor market and as the massacre of the civil wars of Afghanistan and Iraq.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Oster Toaster Oven Dehydrator

McJob = McMob

In an article in the ( see article), I discovered that the multinational McDonald's is moving to try to change its reputation as regards the treatment of work rightly called McJob in derogatory terms and negative ( a low prestige job, very stimulating, temporary, without benefits of any kind and little chance of promotion [quote Article]). The term can be found in the dictionary of English Oxford.Una lemma that executives most disgusting sandwich spread and the world would change with a meaning positive.
But even if McDonald's, through the devastating and impressive image campaigns, is often taken on stakeholders from around the world and in turn to the public and consumers (I'm sorry for them), certainly can not convince their employees . Put aside the
precarious and exploitation contracts part-time, because now the whole labor market has taken this turn for the worse.
Let's talk about the plight of workers. They can not join a union (this is a bit 'for all places in the world, even in Italy where sometimes unions at least make noise, the only exception in Sweden and Ireland, but only after a long struggle) worth the immediate dismissal. This brings all the issues of work exploitation:
employees often work in environments hazardous to health , more time working in his contract, the ethnic minorities are often discriminated against and treated through techniques of bullying . Workers are often recruited on the basis of a low social class , to a lowest level of education, by ethnicity and in skin color. In practice, the assumptions of the management of fisheries is often the most poor and lumpen proletariat level countries colonized by Mcpanino, in order to obtain low-cost workers anyway.
At this point it seems to me very suitable the term McJob, indeed I would suggest to Oxford Dictionary Inglese the introduction of the lemma McMob .
Insight: What's wrong with McDonald's?

Monday, March 19, 2007

How Long For Bursitis To Go Away

Free Mastrogiacomo

Republic The journalist was finally released. We are all delighted with this happy ending. We feared, as a nation, for its vita.Fortunatamente it went well.
I have read many articles and reports of Mastrogiacomo and regard it as a great reporter and correspondent in areas of war. But you have to think that his Mestre is done, unfortunately these risks.
Let me explain why. The following of

seizures and murderers in Iraq, after years, he moved to Afghanistan . Destroyed two countries since the Anglo-American and now ravaged by civil war , where pockets of militant insurgents and militias who are trying to change the Western games domain. Often these armed factions, today the "Taliban ", yesterday in Iraq's Shiites, followers of al Saadr, AlQaeda, are indirectly financed and fomented, or even invented by Western policies in order to create diversions to destabilize contexts seen by the mal settlers, and also to build the motives for perpetrating war crimes. In most cases they are simple criminals who exploit the resource kidnapping for ransom. Other times, crimes are committed by the invaders spread in order to criminalize the Taliban that need to be branded as terrorists. But the scenario is even more complex and chaotic in this great state persecuted by world powers for more than a century (due to its strategic importance for pipelines and opium ). In addition to the U.S. military, British, Italian, etc. There are forces
mercenary hired by multinational that have invested in the invasion of that country, which contribute troops to the horror of war as free to act unhindered.

Mastrogiacomo, like many other journalists sent or freelance, are aware of risk their lives, because they represent the only source of truth always opposed by the Anglo-Americans. Perhaps the journalist Republic had discovered something that you should not be leaked to the Western world? Or maybe he was getting too close to the truth ? Giuliana Sgrena you remember? In that case the Americans tried
directly to kill the journalist Manifesto because was an uncomfortable presence ...
In addition, for some reason, this seizure, the wave created around the media, has concealed the news of the most major offensive (and massacre of innocent people) that Americans WOULD BE performing against the Taliban and civilians. In fact we know that is playing and nothing more. So are the targeted repoter: potentially destabilizing elements that, once seized, can attract the attention of the world media.

not forget that we are discussing in the context of a country plagued by wars . Since the beginning of war and colonization U.S. in 2001 there are tens of thousands of victims, half a million refugees , refugees in neighboring countries, in an area considered the most mined in the world where the population lives in absolute poverty.
The feeling that leaks out from Afghanistan suggests that -Taliban terrorists are in close contact with the Anglo-American forces and Taliban in the true reality are united with the people in a real resistance against invaders.
Mastrogiacomo was investigating on this subject?

Insight: The destruction of Afghanistan (on

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Jeff Hardy Has A Baby

Poll: What is the most influential of the revolution of Web 2.0? Better change

  1. Wikipedia
  2. YouTube
  3. collective intelligence applications online

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

What Is Autoimmune Hepatitis

, No! Boycott McDonald's

Bush versione Paris Hilton Bush Paris Hilton version
Photos taken by www.worth1000. com

Sunday, March 11, 2007

P-51 Mustang Vs Mitsubishi Zero

soup! Goodbye Maestro

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Community Service Thank You Letter

Farewell Jean Baudrillard.

Your ideas, your pretense, the hyper-realism will be the foundation of a new thought for a company that has to change for the better.
"The central idea is that the economy which governs our societies results from a misappropriation of the fundamental human principle, which is a solar principle of consumption."

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Wedding Quotes On Butterfly Themes

A poem for peace


Put in mind of His own father and Moved To Tears
Achilles took him by the hand and pushed the old king
Gently away, but Priam curled up at his feet and
Wept with him until their sadness filled the building.

Taking Hector's corpse into his own hands Achilles
Made sure it was washed and, for the old king's sake,
Laid out in uniform, ready for Priam to carry
Wrapped like a present home to Troy at daybreak.

When they had eaten together, it pleased them both
To stare at each other's beauty as lovers might,
Achilles built like a god, Priam good-looking still
And full of conversation, who HAD Earlier sighed:

'I get down on my knees and do what must be done
And kiss Achilles 'hand, the killer of my son'.

( Michael Longley )

Michael Longley wrote this poem in 1994 in the aftermath of a major ceasefire in the civil war in North Ireland. An act of hope and suffering valid for any war in itself horrible and unfair.

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Transferring Georgia Title To Florida

L ' EU threatens new sanctions against the giant Microsoft's computer . (See news on the ). The accusation, as usual, is abusing its dominant position in the market. In practice, new innovations from Redmond would not be compatible with other server hardware and machines are not allowed by Windows . We are the usual. Also, the new operating system Vista not allow certain types of hardware, and binds to the machine indissolubimente creating difficulties to the user who wants to change his system to the PC. I fear that they have developed a sophisticated surveillance system software and hardware. They will be able to create a new super secret control system such as that of 1999 Intel tried to spread with the Pentium III?
However, even if Bill Gates continues to do charity for displaced people affected by Hurricane Katrina, and the American government and institutions (which are known to work for the corporations) have rules of res judicata in the new Microsoft server systems, I think The European Commission has full right on a clear violation of 'antitrust . But alas, as always, will have huge success even the highest penalty imposed on a corporation (something like 2 million euro per day). Why are the fines imposed on one thing, but another thing is the actual payments, which after a long-running legal are almost always greatly reduced or even suppressed. In my humble opinion, the only real penalty to be imposed should be the 'European foreclosure, even for a limited period (a year or two for example). Exactly how the Americans act against countries that do not align their economic policy: implementing a ' embargo. In this case Microsoft products throughout the EU.
I know it's a utopia, but it could be a good idea for the near future. Goodnight