Thursday, March 1, 2007

Transferring Georgia Title To Florida

L ' EU threatens new sanctions against the giant Microsoft's computer . (See news on the ). The accusation, as usual, is abusing its dominant position in the market. In practice, new innovations from Redmond would not be compatible with other server hardware and machines are not allowed by Windows . We are the usual. Also, the new operating system Vista not allow certain types of hardware, and binds to the machine indissolubimente creating difficulties to the user who wants to change his system to the PC. I fear that they have developed a sophisticated surveillance system software and hardware. They will be able to create a new super secret control system such as that of 1999 Intel tried to spread with the Pentium III?
However, even if Bill Gates continues to do charity for displaced people affected by Hurricane Katrina, and the American government and institutions (which are known to work for the corporations) have rules of res judicata in the new Microsoft server systems, I think The European Commission has full right on a clear violation of 'antitrust . But alas, as always, will have huge success even the highest penalty imposed on a corporation (something like 2 million euro per day). Why are the fines imposed on one thing, but another thing is the actual payments, which after a long-running legal are almost always greatly reduced or even suppressed. In my humble opinion, the only real penalty to be imposed should be the 'European foreclosure, even for a limited period (a year or two for example). Exactly how the Americans act against countries that do not align their economic policy: implementing a ' embargo. In this case Microsoft products throughout the EU.
I know it's a utopia, but it could be a good idea for the near future. Goodnight


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