Sunday, March 25, 2007

Forex Breakout Strategies

The gossip did boom

's elite vip of our society is in crisis. An anonymous, so to speak since gained popularity in recent years, pm Power of attorney has made mess of the golden world of the caste of untouchables. The investigations John Woodcock departed in 2001, when he put on trial a member of the ds. Then put the bar in succession and the consequent 78 well-media pillory politicians, showbiz personalities, journalists in the famous " VIP gate" of 2003. Striking was the arrest of Vittorio Emanuele di Savoia for his tour of scams and prostitution in 2006. Today his investigation Vallettopoli is exposing the squalor of the world of television show and, also involving the politics.

Logically, the ruling class (all units), feeling aggrieved party, has been formulated through an absurd counter Guarantor for the privacy which immediately banned the publication and dissemination of news that did not interest the public. Yes, but if you comes to public figures as we do? Perhaps it can be understood as a restriction of press freedom ? In addition, the Guarantor has issued a ban on disseminating information not specific
, especially with regard to sex life of public figures. Although this seems like a contradiction, since in any case even the most squalid and morbid details can be defined as news and information. On second thought, it would be nice opinions on the sex lives of people were irrelevant, but because in the real world you are often discriminated against and singled out for their own tastes and actions, I do not see why even the popular figures should not be subject to review by the public . Indeed, in a system that works, you just need Startup that they are monitored in this way.

But now ask: why the good pm can periodically raise cases so uncomfortable for the establishment elite, resulting in a high-profile media ?
The characters of the show often are born, live and die (like public image) by strategies gossip. Their strength is precisely the popularity, often gained from events scandalistci and / or news really stupid, but in the public interest. So why bury the advertising system festival of television? Why involve figures of politics?

The celebrity is supposed to be assessed and measured by the public who has the power to give it away but also to deny and ignore. It 'just a scandal as Vallettopoli to devalue a character? No way. teaches Kate Moss. The now famous Crown said that the ongoing scandal has increased its bussiness and its popularity. The key to understanding the system is quite simple: look . Only this. But the privilege of VIP is granted or denied only by the powers that be.

In my opinion it was not enough as the TV bandwagon and scandals of Football divert public opinion from the news and important facts. Then he devised a new populist theme act to fill the front pages of newspapers in order to relegate the information of public interest in the sidebars on page 20. How
Carlo Bertani wrote in an article in May of 1981 the first rumors on the leaked of the Masonic lodge P2 . At the time of the debate in parliament
a tragic news struck the whole country: a child in the Roman countryside, Alfredo Rampi , remained trapped at the bottom of a well. This tragedy was transformed into the largest media event Italian of the period. It mobilized the higher institutions, including the President Sandro Pertini. Images were transmitted to the unified network RAI in a direct ending. The death of the baby moved all over Italy and the P2 case delayed a few months. Later it was discovered that the child was thrown into the well and to this day his murder remains a mystery. An example of
filler media today, in a less tragic, and through judicial sources said, is repeated with the scandals and the Vallettopoli -whore politicians tour. Just to hide the more the work of the government pursuing uncomfortable issues such as reform continues ultracapitalistica labor market and as the massacre of the civil wars of Afghanistan and Iraq.


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