Monday, March 19, 2007

How Long For Bursitis To Go Away

Free Mastrogiacomo

Republic The journalist was finally released. We are all delighted with this happy ending. We feared, as a nation, for its vita.Fortunatamente it went well.
I have read many articles and reports of Mastrogiacomo and regard it as a great reporter and correspondent in areas of war. But you have to think that his Mestre is done, unfortunately these risks.
Let me explain why. The following of

seizures and murderers in Iraq, after years, he moved to Afghanistan . Destroyed two countries since the Anglo-American and now ravaged by civil war , where pockets of militant insurgents and militias who are trying to change the Western games domain. Often these armed factions, today the "Taliban ", yesterday in Iraq's Shiites, followers of al Saadr, AlQaeda, are indirectly financed and fomented, or even invented by Western policies in order to create diversions to destabilize contexts seen by the mal settlers, and also to build the motives for perpetrating war crimes. In most cases they are simple criminals who exploit the resource kidnapping for ransom. Other times, crimes are committed by the invaders spread in order to criminalize the Taliban that need to be branded as terrorists. But the scenario is even more complex and chaotic in this great state persecuted by world powers for more than a century (due to its strategic importance for pipelines and opium ). In addition to the U.S. military, British, Italian, etc. There are forces
mercenary hired by multinational that have invested in the invasion of that country, which contribute troops to the horror of war as free to act unhindered.

Mastrogiacomo, like many other journalists sent or freelance, are aware of risk their lives, because they represent the only source of truth always opposed by the Anglo-Americans. Perhaps the journalist Republic had discovered something that you should not be leaked to the Western world? Or maybe he was getting too close to the truth ? Giuliana Sgrena you remember? In that case the Americans tried
directly to kill the journalist Manifesto because was an uncomfortable presence ...
In addition, for some reason, this seizure, the wave created around the media, has concealed the news of the most major offensive (and massacre of innocent people) that Americans WOULD BE performing against the Taliban and civilians. In fact we know that is playing and nothing more. So are the targeted repoter: potentially destabilizing elements that, once seized, can attract the attention of the world media.

not forget that we are discussing in the context of a country plagued by wars . Since the beginning of war and colonization U.S. in 2001 there are tens of thousands of victims, half a million refugees , refugees in neighboring countries, in an area considered the most mined in the world where the population lives in absolute poverty.
The feeling that leaks out from Afghanistan suggests that -Taliban terrorists are in close contact with the Anglo-American forces and Taliban in the true reality are united with the people in a real resistance against invaders.
Mastrogiacomo was investigating on this subject?

Insight: The destruction of Afghanistan (on


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