Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Oster Toaster Oven Dehydrator

McJob = McMob

In an article in the ( see article), I discovered that the multinational McDonald's is moving to try to change its reputation as regards the treatment of work rightly called McJob in derogatory terms and negative ( a low prestige job, very stimulating, temporary, without benefits of any kind and little chance of promotion [quote Article]). The term can be found in the dictionary of English Oxford.Una lemma that executives most disgusting sandwich spread and the world would change with a meaning positive.
But even if McDonald's, through the devastating and impressive image campaigns, is often taken on stakeholders from around the world and in turn to the public and consumers (I'm sorry for them), certainly can not convince their employees . Put aside the
precarious and exploitation contracts part-time, because now the whole labor market has taken this turn for the worse.
Let's talk about the plight of workers. They can not join a union (this is a bit 'for all places in the world, even in Italy where sometimes unions at least make noise, the only exception in Sweden and Ireland, but only after a long struggle) worth the immediate dismissal. This brings all the issues of work exploitation:
employees often work in environments hazardous to health , more time working in his contract, the ethnic minorities are often discriminated against and treated through techniques of bullying . Workers are often recruited on the basis of a low social class , to a lowest level of education, by ethnicity and in skin color. In practice, the assumptions of the management of fisheries is often the most poor and lumpen proletariat level countries colonized by Mcpanino, in order to obtain low-cost workers anyway.
At this point it seems to me very suitable the term McJob, indeed I would suggest to Oxford Dictionary Inglese the introduction of the lemma McMob .
Insight: What's wrong with McDonald's?


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