Wednesday, February 28, 2007

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Microsoft Monopoly Government Government no: is the land of khakis!

We are reckoning. As usual for one or two votes of prominent political figures and disturbing (like Andreotti) and Emeritus turncoat (but that have always existed), the gang of Prodi is on the brink of another defeat. Today finally find out if there is a majority or not.
But are we really sure that has ever existed?
Why me since 2006 I have always chiesto.Si because a majority has always been: that of poltrona.Tutti united in support of a center-left to find their place istituzionale.Vi remember how they did: to me this , you what, to him that other, even to those who have not reached the necessary votes to be elected.
But the political majority there never was. And there never will be. At least to give a strong shock, to implement radical reforms in this country, at the mercy ultra-global capitalism, which trumpet the long run.
I think unfortunately that is not so far away the difference that separates this from the villain's dying government Berlusca: all are still slaves of economic powers, including international, stronger policy italiana.Forse Silvio was also more consistent because it was acting for himself, taking an active part of the strong powers.
Mah.Con this does not deny the few good things done by Prodi and, you know, I settle for the lesser evil, as I did at last year's election. And maybe things would be different if the old right-wing government had not made an election law which would be incredible to win the loser. But maybe not. Even a hypothetical government would go Biscione irreversibililmente in crisis ....
Let's hope so ....

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Bouncing Chair How Long?

E 'born Telete Group

E 'was published on blog Telete Group:
a new community that carries on the dissemination of literature and education in reading. Let us jump and
iscrivetevi.Non regret it.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

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Alarms media

E 'scaremongering really inconceivable created by political and institutional figures, released to spur beaten by all means of communication, the demonstration in Vicenza. But when have we ever seen a show that opened in favor of peace must be violent? Why is anti-American, pro-American tell us that not understand or do not want to understand what it means to live side by side with military bases, suffer environmental pollution, mental and cultural of an easement (and it's appropriate to use this term since the diplomatic ties between the U.S. and Italy). C ' were the movements, global justice (as they call them naive), the radical and extremist political parties and trade unions, yes, but in reality there was a whole community of a city mistreated and exploited by the State until the last meter quadro.Mi think recognize in this small town in the northeast of the battle was fought slavery sardines, which make up two thirds of the entire national territory used for militari.Migliaia and thousands of hectares of bases and polygons annually produce discomfort, danger, uncertainty, and untold deaths.
But that's another story that the media there raccontano.Invece these doth us a suspected, potential violent actions of a procession for pace.Ci put on the qui vive, ready to order the "usual" hooligans. Indoctrinate the public to demean the importance of a strong act against the American military power and ideological.
Why the TV, the heads of newspapers, the media in general are driven by our logically, all Italians, strong powers, which have an insane fear that arises a consciousness and an awareness of real importance for the ruin of our tempi.Non can afford to address an anti-war movement of millions of people, which I think there, silent, waiting to be awakened. Government, opposition, police lose the comparison, if you play by democratic rules. But the rules change often during the game, and then caught the terrorists out from somewhere, and they share the union leaders, movements, community centers, citizens of Vicenza (?). Well that is the way it is world.And always gone, as Machiavelli taught us many, many centuries ago '.
However, in addition to the great success of a civil protest and legal, there was another good thing and maybe, just maybe, could be a lesson to the futuro.L 'intelligent superintendent of Vicenza has ordered the police to keep away from the event and never come in contact with the participants corteo.Una positive note because, as I have said recently regarding the fighting in stadiums, often provocative, the first rifts between factions, and the same black-block pop up from the ranks of sbirri.Azioni that are often just as instrumental to bigger lenses (Genoa G8). Well yesterday it was shown that there may be no guard dogs, because no one's interests to destroy and hurt the prossimo.Altrimenti it becomes just like those against which they protest. Amen

Friday, February 16, 2007

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Free to fly like a rose petal on the breeze.
free to express everything I feel no fear.

The air is pungent and steals my heart, I see
your big eyes and I scare you, but I do not know
are there in my dream.
tremble. Pieces of shame me ill-treated legs, hands, hearts.

Free, the desire for a soft embrace.
free to leave a cushion of mist.

Fool or jester began to speak

let slide the gentle stream of drops of emotional feeling
I have to offer that I dedicate to you.

But I'm confused, shy and almost embarrassed
abducted by a horde of ghosts of ice.
I stop, he leaves, I'm falling back.
I collect my conscience and served on a silver platter. I should have

cradles of the verses Longley
I could lay the red carpet of petals
I subtracted from the Orion star
to encircle and get my beautiful prisoner
have had the courage to dare more?

Free to lose myself in light of your eyes
Free to do justice to your beauty with the most beautiful poems
free to put it with my eyes closed in your heart Jing
Free to listen to your voice as a modern Jason pays attention to Chiron

Sunday, February 11, 2007

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The brash American imperialism

Today Guardian published the plans of the Bush-regime on the possible plan to attack Iran. How I miss the days when which the United States ruled the world with silent and indirect strategies, especially when trying to establish a new world order.
The strategy pursued by U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney, in the Persian Gulf will lead an impressive array of warships, which inevitably will cross with those of a smear campaign iraniane.La Iran and its government has already started with mesi.Ora many are starting the propaganda guerra.Ma really believe they can do whatever they want, regardless of world public opinion? truly believe that this is the right strategy to bring the U.S. into the position of country leader?
In my humble opinion, this does not affect repubblicana.Non administration is important to the death and destruction of states and peoples, is not considered, or at least in part, the supremacy over energy resources (oil), are not relevant to the ideological contrasts stirred up to battle hard and Global Islam.Tutto between the West and this is just an excuse, a little 'Bin Laden as the non-existent, or as chemical weapons and batterialogiche of Saddam, or the September 11th ... It' s always been just an excuse for make more profit possibile.Dietro Bush we all know that there are large multinational oil companies, weapons factories and buildings that distrugge.Ecco rebuild what the war, I think Bush-Cheney have no interest or ideology or ultimate purpose, they are simply managing directors working in the public and private companies that have allowed them to win elezioni.Perciò think the only strategy that put in place is that of financial gain for these and many other corporations. And they do so shameless, just as corporations acting, strong immense wealth they possess.
it does not matter if they cause death and destruction, or whether, as stated by economist Lyndon LaRouche, with an attack on Iran is highly likely a world war, comparing him to Hitler's invasion of Poland as a trigger for a global conflict . Indeed, as history shows, war brings profits tanti.L and 'ill-considered action of the Government-US corporation has its purpose, but this is not political and will not be mai.Non worry about the consequences for American citizens, or to the state's economy that is going to peak (it is expected a crisis in the global economic system that will involve the entire planet.) Bush & Cheney want to make profits and nothing else.
And then you should rely on the presidential election and democratici.Si, teoria.Perchè trust in democratic elections these days, in any country "Free", is pure folly, since they are almost always rigged or the manipolate.Eppoi wins more often those who hold economic power and therefore more means of cominucazione massa.Inoltre U.S. Democrats have never been so much different from Republicans, so even if they had the upper hand, I do not expect a breakthrough.
Mah .. the world goes to rotoli.Forse it would take a good dose of cynicism and should wait for the expected global economic collapse to get to a real change, which we hope will not lead to a new guerra.Comunque can we oppose this sucks, fight with the means of ordinary citizens and hope for a future migliore.Tanto, as they say, hope ....

Thursday, February 8, 2007

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Finally PACS

In a different world now, only the dull and bigots do not understand the importance of a law that protects the vast majority of unions cittadini.Mezza Europe "West", including the catholic Spain, gave a state regulation in this urgent problema.In Italy but there are still those who are perched in the ultra-Catholic conservative positions ee, assuming that doing so undermines the value of matrimonio.Un value for many is no longer significance of past generations, and even if it were, has become an unattainable target.
We try to reason with these idiots who advocate political positions Vaticano.Ah yes, the Vatican, well, is easy to see that the spiritual power that operates on people has long been the minimum storici.Hanno tried to elect a German Pope precisely because Catholicism in Germany has become the fourth religion praticata.Perciò the cardinals and the rest of the gang "Ruin" definitely afraid of losing what little hold on the faithful with the downgrading of marriage in civil.
It 's simple: if we take the example of a classic heterosexual couples, this will be the ideal economic conditions to reach the marriage, because it is assumed that newlyweds have a house, an income that enables live and to make and keep children a kind of stability, given that marriage is for sempre.Ma nowadays nothing is stabile.I money are not there, unless you are already rich (see the politicians who side opposed to unmarried couples) . The work is not there and when there is elusive, not sure (see flexibility = uncertainty). And Finally, you can not even groped to continue a family project because the banks will refuse any kind of guarantee, for example, if you want a home loan (which, in itself is a paradox, given that the bank is chaining you to all life), if you do not have an income equal to gross domestic product Lussemburgo.Ciò also applies to homosexual couples, but especially for citizens who are divorced do not mean falling back in the breakdown of the marriage (and these are so many nowadays ).
In a society that has changed the face radicalemte, where people live together in the house to survive the precarious nature (you know the sit-com "Friends"? It is not so far from reality), where people who love each other are forced to postpone their marriage for lack of resources (do you realize what it means to pay a rent that takes away, at best, the 2 / 3 of the average salary?), how can you get married? In our capitalist society the market leads us to the unbridled consumption and reduces the citizen-consumer to be alone and isolated, so that it is powerless against the laws of consumismo.E 'for this reason that marriage is a resource for the economy because in any case be reached late and after many many sacrifices that meet the market. De facto unions can break this practice archaic social malaise that now bears company.A all goes well in the rooms, to offer civil unions sacrosanct (not for the Church) rights that citizens who choose a life of principle and co-existence must be protected, to guard against excessive power of social bodies and laws economiche.Eppoi I wonder if corporations have defined their social identity and giuridca, with rights and laws to protect them, why can not it just two ordinary people who are a thousand times more human as an inhuman monster of a multinational? Goodnight

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Something To Put Wood Pellets

Verses scattered

This is the refrain of one of my canzone.Credo to feel this is now ....

biting cold in this city
As if the climate were to change ever
Just think a moment you
Now the sun returns to warm my heart ... for

te.Anche if the other day I saw you
was really hard, because I have not done anything to get close to parlarti.Ho cross your eyes, your eyes great and I was afraid ... So you throw all these verses:


Ether is frozen for your presence
The square is overflowing with anyone
crowded and absolutely packed with all your splendor

drums pounding and jumping bounces
the pace among the trees and poles
The air is dry a sheet of frost and cold is a presence
abstract brushes my mind

found to have Guilty of not having spoken
My chance is there still standing up creaky stairs

against the pass in front of me
But no matter now passed
Corrects Eskimo dance fever of the crowd

one sitting in the cold waiting for me just maybe
anxiety anxiety runs only surprises me that escape me maybe
eyes and fall into the voids filled with horny hands to caress

Lips sewn not confess

Guilty of not having shouted
guilty of fear and nothing
My chance is there still standing up creaky stairs

Sunday, February 4, 2007

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Hypocrisy of football (the company)

my boys, but how do you accept everything that happens in this battered society's football fans?
THE world of football out! E 'dead, was indeed killed a cop! Novità.Credo As if it was a risk that is inherent in a brave and at the same time mestre avvilente.Ma think about it: all this ballyhooed institutional, inter Ministers, Commissariat of federations and the media tidal wave will not only be the usual hypocritical way to conceal the strong social malaise that affects the world's fourth highest level in South Italy and Sicily in particular? It will not, perhaps, that the football audience and fans reflect the state of degradation of the younger generation of boys without a slightest shred of value and security, which wallow mired in the wonderful world of insecurity?
A wants to say that few fringes of teppisti.Oggi increasingly politicized young people no longer believe in the totalitarian ideologies of left or right to feel that siano.Forse can approach the group, but even more convinced the head ultras do not believe in these things.
I guess nobody here admits that organized groups of supporters are a way of life and vent the discomfort of individual subjects and isolated, which only have to feel this bond ultras belonging to something and someone.
And no one dares to describe that this malaise is also inherent in law enforcement that are manipulated by the powers that be to keep control areas and areas most at risk, or to create a dust cloud that hides other fatti.Nessuno, if not the ultras, he knows no matter how aggressive the police and the Carabinieri in situation (but also now in the peaceful protest and non-citizens!). I am perfectly able to create pandemonium, stuzziacando loading or groups of "fans" out of nowhere, without being provocative, or ordered from above. So this great
broth media bullshit on the sacrifice of a policeman eccessivo.Se I think too often we think that ordinary citizens suddenly make havoc in the family because they do not give them more to live and survive.
In my humble opinion, the squawking "change" is just a bleating chorus of idiotic hypocrites who must aquietare the population and provide people who can still guarantee the physical security and materiale.Ma people like us, like you, as everyone knows perfectly well that the institutions have long since lost control and monitoring at the expense dellla harsh law of the market.
is precisely this economic imperative which unfortunately run this globalized world and will push to restart the bandwagon pressure balloon, because you can not give up the match TV.Loro, multinational media have paid for television rights, so you will play, even if the die persone.Altrimenti make a good case for compensation and rimoborso for investment and sink the economy of a reality already in crisis.
A wants to say, "Yes raging for a year of football! -. Not.
No, we will as always: stop-and small go.Nelle extreme consequences will be played without the audience in the stands, always in limited cases, the emptying of the stages is a process already started by TV tempo.Acceleriamolo.Le are insured for the their show and people are in "safe" at home. Goodnight

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The show must go on

As usual things are not as you think, just as you want.
In addition we also make a good dose of bad luck.
Still, I think I should stay with a positive approach, even if I did not make the meeting with the person you want to know, though but yesterday I split voiture, although I take issue with my ex and impediments in the social life even though I have not seen and not heard.
It is true, all things considered, it seems that I had entered in an acceptable and my dream is suddenly awakened with a incubo.Ma in life there is much peggio.Ho much and I'm lucky, and although he faltered yesterday, I do not want to lose I hope in the people who deserve respect and affection.
How strange I've never written a song for a situation simile.Mi know I do!
also not lose hope to know and understand that flower color that smells good, which gave meaning to these days of crisis and gave me a good deal of verve and curiosity.

Friday, February 2, 2007

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Where the world today I will smile

Today is a new day.
Back pain is passing, and I'm pretty contento.E though perhaps not more to leave my beloved Lisbon, due to lack of escorts and lack of communication with the Portuguese capital, are strangely and pleasantly in a good mood. Tonight perhaps
The vedo.Mi interested molto.Voglio conoscerla.Sono really intrigued by his being so friendly, cheerful, seems to have an irrepressible desire inside of vivere.Inoltre is appealing his generosity towards others and towards the weak and unfortunate because the work he does, I want to see if it's really something that comes from his cuore.Eppoi is a cute bag, has a beautiful smile, a charming demeanor and gestures, I like his haircut and his lines, and perhaps because of its simplicity (it is always as I think).
dedicated a song called my sea of \u200b\u200buncertainty, it would be easier.

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Hello, these days, the days are little 'a gray and all the same.
But perhaps in those few minutes the whole day sometimes lights the spark that makes you live for real.
Tuesday while I was playing my songs I tried something bigger than he had ever successo.I pieces are mine, talk about my life, but on Tuesday they are now, you know, part of all the songs written and played as part of the whole musica.Mi'd love to hear, not for the sake of showing off, but to share with others that certainly can understand simple or complex human emotions .
But yesterday it happened to another important fact: I'm not sure but I may have glimpsed the beauty (inner beauty as well) in a persona.Vorrei know her better to see if my instincts and my feelings, which usually does not make mistakes, I just saying.

Thursday, February 1, 2007

Where To Buy Life Is Good


Hello Today I opened my blog.E talk about everything I will go to his head.