Sunday, February 11, 2007

Scholarship Amblyopia

The brash American imperialism

Today Guardian published the plans of the Bush-regime on the possible plan to attack Iran. How I miss the days when which the United States ruled the world with silent and indirect strategies, especially when trying to establish a new world order.
The strategy pursued by U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney, in the Persian Gulf will lead an impressive array of warships, which inevitably will cross with those of a smear campaign iraniane.La Iran and its government has already started with mesi.Ora many are starting the propaganda guerra.Ma really believe they can do whatever they want, regardless of world public opinion? truly believe that this is the right strategy to bring the U.S. into the position of country leader?
In my humble opinion, this does not affect repubblicana.Non administration is important to the death and destruction of states and peoples, is not considered, or at least in part, the supremacy over energy resources (oil), are not relevant to the ideological contrasts stirred up to battle hard and Global Islam.Tutto between the West and this is just an excuse, a little 'Bin Laden as the non-existent, or as chemical weapons and batterialogiche of Saddam, or the September 11th ... It' s always been just an excuse for make more profit possibile.Dietro Bush we all know that there are large multinational oil companies, weapons factories and buildings that distrugge.Ecco rebuild what the war, I think Bush-Cheney have no interest or ideology or ultimate purpose, they are simply managing directors working in the public and private companies that have allowed them to win elezioni.Perciò think the only strategy that put in place is that of financial gain for these and many other corporations. And they do so shameless, just as corporations acting, strong immense wealth they possess.
it does not matter if they cause death and destruction, or whether, as stated by economist Lyndon LaRouche, with an attack on Iran is highly likely a world war, comparing him to Hitler's invasion of Poland as a trigger for a global conflict . Indeed, as history shows, war brings profits tanti.L and 'ill-considered action of the Government-US corporation has its purpose, but this is not political and will not be mai.Non worry about the consequences for American citizens, or to the state's economy that is going to peak (it is expected a crisis in the global economic system that will involve the entire planet.) Bush & Cheney want to make profits and nothing else.
And then you should rely on the presidential election and democratici.Si, teoria.Perchè trust in democratic elections these days, in any country "Free", is pure folly, since they are almost always rigged or the manipolate.Eppoi wins more often those who hold economic power and therefore more means of cominucazione massa.Inoltre U.S. Democrats have never been so much different from Republicans, so even if they had the upper hand, I do not expect a breakthrough.
Mah .. the world goes to rotoli.Forse it would take a good dose of cynicism and should wait for the expected global economic collapse to get to a real change, which we hope will not lead to a new guerra.Comunque can we oppose this sucks, fight with the means of ordinary citizens and hope for a future migliore.Tanto, as they say, hope ....


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