Thursday, February 8, 2007

Bat Rolling Machine Blueprints

Finally PACS

In a different world now, only the dull and bigots do not understand the importance of a law that protects the vast majority of unions cittadini.Mezza Europe "West", including the catholic Spain, gave a state regulation in this urgent problema.In Italy but there are still those who are perched in the ultra-Catholic conservative positions ee, assuming that doing so undermines the value of matrimonio.Un value for many is no longer significance of past generations, and even if it were, has become an unattainable target.
We try to reason with these idiots who advocate political positions Vaticano.Ah yes, the Vatican, well, is easy to see that the spiritual power that operates on people has long been the minimum storici.Hanno tried to elect a German Pope precisely because Catholicism in Germany has become the fourth religion praticata.PerciĆ² the cardinals and the rest of the gang "Ruin" definitely afraid of losing what little hold on the faithful with the downgrading of marriage in civil.
It 's simple: if we take the example of a classic heterosexual couples, this will be the ideal economic conditions to reach the marriage, because it is assumed that newlyweds have a house, an income that enables live and to make and keep children a kind of stability, given that marriage is for sempre.Ma nowadays nothing is stabile.I money are not there, unless you are already rich (see the politicians who side opposed to unmarried couples) . The work is not there and when there is elusive, not sure (see flexibility = uncertainty). And Finally, you can not even groped to continue a family project because the banks will refuse any kind of guarantee, for example, if you want a home loan (which, in itself is a paradox, given that the bank is chaining you to all life), if you do not have an income equal to gross domestic product Lussemburgo.CiĆ² also applies to homosexual couples, but especially for citizens who are divorced do not mean falling back in the breakdown of the marriage (and these are so many nowadays ).
In a society that has changed the face radicalemte, where people live together in the house to survive the precarious nature (you know the sit-com "Friends"? It is not so far from reality), where people who love each other are forced to postpone their marriage for lack of resources (do you realize what it means to pay a rent that takes away, at best, the 2 / 3 of the average salary?), how can you get married? In our capitalist society the market leads us to the unbridled consumption and reduces the citizen-consumer to be alone and isolated, so that it is powerless against the laws of consumismo.E 'for this reason that marriage is a resource for the economy because in any case be reached late and after many many sacrifices that meet the market. De facto unions can break this practice archaic social malaise that now bears company.A all goes well in the rooms, to offer civil unions sacrosanct (not for the Church) rights that citizens who choose a life of principle and co-existence must be protected, to guard against excessive power of social bodies and laws economiche.Eppoi I wonder if corporations have defined their social identity and giuridca, with rights and laws to protect them, why can not it just two ordinary people who are a thousand times more human as an inhuman monster of a multinational? Goodnight


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