Sunday, December 31, 2006

Sérial Pour Soccer-trainer

War Crimes, Crimes of Peace ... and if there were also crimes of Information?

" we were not made to live like brutes but to follow virtue and knowledge "


Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Problemi Legati Al Cube Soma

The old deputy, then lost his way


Friday, November 10, 2006

How To Insert Cheats On Gpsphone

Cards Party: privilege or assumption of liability? About

Dear Secretary of the DS section of Augusta Arch Memmo Garsia,
considering for some time that the current year is coming to an end in The last few weeks I have repeatedly expressed verbally to put in place, as is your duty and my right, an "act" which to me is a repeat 's assumption of liability with respect to the commitment that I feel I must continue to lavish in the political arena so that even my contribution, like that of many, can continue to be useful groped for the social life of our city, I mean exactly hand in my hand the party card DS for the year 2006, an act that, I still think, neither of us considers it a concession nor a privilege, but indeed a responsibility.
While still believing and hoping that your ongoing "postpone" the "act" was to be charged only to a possible organization still in progress in distributing the cards I had (I confess it to him), nevertheless and in spite of myself, a vague feeling, I hope wrong, that you had some sort of trouble if not reluctant to this "issue" to me, this feeling, unfortunately, it acquires greater consistency if you connect this to your stall taken away She expressed through the newspaper article appeared in the Giornale di Sicilia 03.12.2005, taken away, which is still incomprehensible to me today, from my views publicly expressed on the DS as printed in the last months of last year, views, which as surely remember, dealt a serious and important topics such as the institution of the Ombudsman, to be used as parking areas, continuation of the closure of a city street, inadvertent and occasional inappropriate use of a room in our town.
In order to avoid further delay on my membership and that the malicious can "speculate" on this deficiency, perhaps suspecting and speculation that there might be a possible connection between a failed renewal of my membership of the party (that's the ticket 2006) and an imaginary political attempt (however unlikely to be regarded as childish view the seriousness of the section) within our Board to ensure that the undersigned will attend the conference scheduled for 2007, or even the absurd attempt to oust the party, and then to avoid even minor damage to the credibility of our section, I urge you to disclose publicly, just to show the high transparency of transactions that affect our membership section, times and places in which the undersigned may, so decisive, take possession of the card 2006 of the Party DS, which of course is independent of the card ' Any desire to make a necessary part of the composition of the Board that although she loved the renewal "analytical" maybe does not like that very spontaneous nature having regard to its mostly conservative, composition, however, invariably results in a strong, perhaps too much, demanding Congress.
One thing is certain, however, is a paper card, paper is the status, but the ideals are written in the statute and I I married them. Yours sincerely John
Democrats of the Left

Friday, October 27, 2006

F-m Spaanking Stories

"incinerator Typhon."

All 'Dear Dr. Massimo Carrubba mayor of Augusta.
I state that I never considered highly competent legal environment, but despite this, after the brief remarks, I would, with proper and legitimate interest in the affairs of our city and its environment in order to better contextualize the individual information , politely ask what seem to me logical clarification of course not to be complacent at all to do so because this need is probably no indication of how much has been invested in the public information on primary materials, such as the environment, and issues related to them.
From the six months ending June 30, 2006 dell'Actelios spa emerges, as was already known, that on May 31, 2006 the Deputy Commissioner for the waste emergency issued Order No. 636 with which he orders the start of construction, involving the "Project Typhon, by July 15, 2006 and again setting the terms of service start of first treatment plant waste to energy plant.
On July 17, 2006 the Company presented the Regional Agency for waste and water conservation an extension of 540 days compared Starting with the terms of service set out in the first treatment Ordinance. On September 13 the Regional Agency has granted an extension of 330 days.
-ended, May 31, 2006, waste in the system of emergency in Sicily and consequently deprived of the absolute powers of the Special Commissioner, a term which, in my opinion (if I remember correctly), is a return to the appropriation legal by the Mayors, and then regaining the full power of their decisions on how and what to build in the territory under its jurisdiction as provided by municipal statutes;
-since the TAR of Lazio has yet to pronounce (the press, or whom it may concern, promptly announced it would if it were not) about the use of the City of Augusta and Legambiente, appeals on the outcome of which all Augsburg who fought against the ongoing "colonization" industrial still hope so in spite of the negative judgments to appeals Campofranco and the municipalities of Aragon.
Accordingly I ask you:
We've already started and what is the pre-campaign operam prior to the commencement of the installation?
are in a legal position, as it is my opinion, the auditors, once ended a state of emergency waste, block the construction of incinerators in their areas of jurisdiction through a union or a determination Council resolution?
Regardless of union power after the appeals of rulings adverse to the incinerator and Aragon Campofranco Casteltermini of which are unfortunately a precedent to be taken into account (before that, according to Hon Cuffaro, calls for a "guard" also other plants), that value can still give you, in your opinion, to the hope of a decision of the TAR of Lazio, which permanently blocks the work of the WTE plant in Augusta?
Secure your kind of a clarification in this respect, elucidation not necessarily directed small humble myself but to all those who, fighting against the "politics" of the incineration of waste (which continues not to consider resources to be exploited), have contributed to the commitment to preserve as much as possible what's left of the integrity of our territory and the economic and social development that depends on it, thank you in advance.
John Carved

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Money Tree Bridal Shower

Green leaf in the wind

you did not
golden boy, not
you did
boy proud,
you did not
fragile boy,
green leaf in the wind
do not have it done,

bad boy good only with yourself.
And there I made it, now
sure you
and distracted by life
I also failed,
and a bit far I
a thousand miles around the "world".
You got no one ever called
and t'han called "Man" only later.

Forever in my heart
swear, everywhere, goodbye. Your

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Xerex Aubrey Miles Watch

smile For a while, before returning to be interested more than ever, our bitter but beloved land.

Pasqualino maharajah
Domenico Modugno

Pasqualino A fisherman lived
in absolute poverty,
but always felt in my heart
something that said: "A day will come!".
And one fine day he arrived in Sorrento
an Indian princess on a big ship:
the beautiful Kali.
looked Pasqualino
Kali and fell in love and took him to India.
Pasqualino Maharajah,
riding the elephant,
wearing a large turban
the jungle leaves.
Pasqualino Marajà
not work and does nothing
between the mysteries of 'East
does nabob among the Hindus,
dun dun dun
ndu du dun da!
Ulla! Ulla! La.. Ulla! Ulla! La. ..
... one hundred cases
big big diamond
principles while bowing down before the powerful
him smoke the hookah.
Eh! Eh! Eh! Eh!
taught to make pizza,
throughout India goes crazy,
only wants to eat pizza!
Pasqualino Marajà
has learned to make the Indian
and good Neapolitan
calls all: "EU, Paisan!"
Ulla! Ulla! La.Ulla! Ulla! La.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Is 20,000 Enough For A Wedding

"Penelope and the island (pedestrian) of Ithaca"

deploying all the tools necessary for becoming the center as well as a relaxing 'walk' where you can decide no hurry to do shopping also a natural meeting place for social and cultural as well as in all well-governed cities, I hope this is a must, and subsequent efforts to that end, by all political parties who care about the welfare of the city.
In this regard I hope that the recent suspension of the pedestrian area, which now seems to recall the famous painting of Penelope, noted by the removal of traffic signs prohibiting the use of motor vehicles in the evening right in stretch before the pedestrian concerned, is only the temporary result has failed miserably to "a tree waiting to be re-transplanted into a more fertile soil" metaphor that is intended to indicate the current and perhaps inevitable stalemate stemming from administrative coordination by which should arise as soon as the new Town Council.
It 'still a shame that this is happening right in the summer, even if Augusta does not have a large tourism is still the arrival of the Augsburg region who are living outside their hometown to spend the holidays and the' pedestrian area is an important element for the business card of a city, of course, absolutely put in second floor and the obvious need for the administration to make the required commitment of our city livable twelve months out of twelve for the welfare of all residents, to remember in this regard the fine particles resulting from the columns of cars and the resulting irrespirabilità 's among other hot air around this time, hot air, which also amplifies the odoraccio that from time to time the wind pushes the industrial area. There's also worth mentioning the usefulness of a thorough cleaning, especially in the public gardens near the highly popular rides at this time with our children in need of constant care of their best places to play as well as the placement of additional benches and replace the damaged ones rather inconvenient for our elderly, to this end, the costs involved could perhaps be addressed by the "reshaping" of the funds obtained for the former and not implemented the project of multi-storey car park at one time Marina West is set to take place in which you have chosen the most economical solution of a single ground floor parking.
Penelope awaited the return of his hero, but even here, at times, weaves and discarded.

John Carved
Democrats of the Left

Friday, July 21, 2006

Jason Voorhees Costumes

sucks BECAUSE THE MAFIA 'MENTALITY THE KILL ...' mafia 'hidden powers' MORE 'WHY' "TORTURE"

In memory and in honor of those noble politicians, judges, journalists, men of all police forces who sacrificed their lives for Sicily in the name of justice, freedom and democracy, thanks to their millions of times.
who agrees to grant a right as a favor to ask you protection money.
John Carved

Friday, June 23, 2006

Milena Velba Carnival

The Constitution does not go ... " incinerated, I vote NO.

That reasoning is that of a wife who invites her husband to decide to change: the color walls, car, doctor, manager telephone, pizzeria, without changing those who administer the financial management of the family (ie you), making the decision subject to the concept "you for everything you propose or not for all that you propose?
VOTE NO to the proposed pseudo-federalism that in reality, on important subjects such as "general rules on the protection of health", "major strategic networks of transportation and navigation", "Strategic production, transport and distribution of national ' energy, "would increase the decision-making power of the central state. This does not seem so
federalist view that there are regions, such as Sicily, that in matters of health have much to "Lament" in that they carry are "Strategy" and in terms of energy they produce "Several" ... and it will always produce more.

John Carved

Sunday, June 18, 2006

List Of Different Woods

"Not in my backyard ... and even in that of others"

In Augusta, about three years, have crossed demonstrations, lectures, debates, torchlight processions, petitions, and whatever else be useful to inform, raise awareness and enable those who deem it necessary to contribute to "barriers" that attempted to stop the nefarious designs of the planned waste incinerator in our area. Despite this strong commitment to the decrees of authorization have been approved and published with the result that, as learned from the press, the institutions concerned and environmental groups have had to appeal to the Italian justice. This negative evolution of the story, leading to the explosive attack of a moving train, "he revealed, nevertheless, a certain fragility of" defense "probably due to a sort of widespread resignation based, perhaps, of the importance that employment attributes, very arguably, the indiscriminate plurality of types of plants that could host our industrial hub despite the common opinion of the population remains opposed.
There comes a time in all strategies, however, the more right in the important strategies for environmental protection and health protection, which tried to "plan A" without the expected success move on to "Plan B" plan that would consider the following:
"ask the location of incineration projects suggesting transfer to a specific type of alternative site, "not just say" not in my backyard "but more intellectually honest to add" not in that of other "viable showing a concrete proposal for safeguarding the health of humans and of ' environment in which they live view of the danger arising from pollution from incinerators as learned in recent years by leading environmentalists, doctors, professors.
The proposal then: in Sicily there are some areas, quite a few and not very large, involved in the phenomenon of "desertification", of course, areas devoid of water courses which could be polluted and where, for miles and miles, there are towns, areas for which there was no priority mail intervention to decrease the risk of desertification that is then grown in spite of this warning has been launched already in 2001 by scholars Enea;
modestly ask then, who considers valid incineration, to test the feasibility of moving the projects in these areas (of course giving them the necessary services for the implementation such as water pipelines, transport routes) are, apparently, a stay of derelict, desolate and isolated, and unused areas.
would be great sign of progress, meanwhile, put in place a more political logic of the waste by putting in place all necessary structures, (eg RCC) for the initial reduction, waste separation and recycling in a way that, as well as creating new and large jobs, we can hope, in the not too distant future, to consider them, in fact, a resource that, as such, could be exploited for the benefit of the users probably through a reduction in the bill.
The current disposal continues to look to the citizens passed all the problems it behaves like the fast depletion of landfills and pollution of the territory that is home, problems and emergencies, perhaps today, that might motivate the wrong absolute importance of the draft incineration while the real solution is precisely the reduction and recycling of materials . John

Friday, June 9, 2006

Alberta Driver's License Template


Dear President of the Sicilian, I would, with the This, in the meantime thank you for being concerned, these days, let me send you your medical card with electronic chip, which is useful to take advantage of the benefits of the National Health Service.
In his separate letter addressed to me, as well as recommendations to use this card to apply for health benefits of various types, you settle, if I understand, other National and Regional Services which brings me add just a few examples. Let me express
then, considering the fact that I live in Augusta, requests for clarification concerning other possible services that might contain.
And 'maybe, magically, a card "so big and strong" behind which I can shelter from the consequences of any incidents in our industrial area where another is planned for the construction of a massive LNG terminal at high risk of a major accident?
E 'case for a card that will allow me the facilities where I should be suffering from cancerous disease considering that I live in an area with high environmental crisis which has been widely demonstrated the link between industry and disease area affected by many other projects of urban and industrial waste incineration?
E 'a card that will allow me, if I decide to do, to face the expense and trouble of a transfer of residence in any other area where I could finally feel safe from pollution produced by today's chemical and petrochemical plants that produce pollution and waste incineration plants in the event that were really built?
E 'a card that will help you achieve a proper and legitimate compensation for past and future damage from the environment and human health?
E 'a card that gives immediate implementation, who is an Italian citizen, the right to a stable employment that would not only be able to enjoy the sacred right of labor but also to continue to remain, above all, more wisely and more comfortably, politically free?

Dear President in the event that the His answer to these questions I would be politely turned a "YES" I thank you very much because this would correspond to the good feeling that, as they say, in an "iron barrel" if your answer to my questions were be a "NO" this would correspond to distinct impression, which continues to have, to be in a "wooden box", I would most certainly believe this, I apologize for my frankness, to think that is the case, for the inhabitants of this area, to include in the health insurance card, even more generous, a good discount on any purchase of articles of a certain type, it would be better than nothing if these items were to ... "To use them without seeing them."
thank and salute a trust in your kind prompt reply, sorry if you take advantage of this to wish health card holders residing in these areas, of course ... due spells.

John Carved

Thursday, June 1, 2006

Remote Control Motorboats

Waterfront Paradise, we can say the same ... "WORKS FINE".

I am convinced that a municipality is always aware of what is happening in the city, especially as a fortiori what happens in the yards for public works and what extent is the state of the art work.
This consideration gives greater value, if ever proof were needed, to my request for a friendly press conference calls by the competent administrative bodies to inform the citizens but especially the residents of the neighborhood Paradise progress regarding the rehabilitation of part of the Paradise Promenade closed to traffic, I remember, for about three years and any events which may have slowed down or, apparently, even interrupted the work.
It is no exaggeration, in my opinion, be considered inconceivable after the famous long wait, it seems obvious to everybody and that is that after the opening of the site took place in February, the only work done was the removal of the layer of asphalt and then nothing in that for about a month and half the labor movement is no longer noticed.
Faced with this fact you are not able to figure out how you can respect the logical time for completion of work and rapid re-opening of the Promenade.
Who in February referred to "a positive epilogue of a story that has dragged on too long," I remember, even in a constructive way, that would really be the case at this point with greater interest and commitment to end as soon as possible nuisance penalty suffered by residents of the neighborhood Paradise and unrewarding vision of a maritime coast damaged that does nothing but belittle the work of the first institutions and also remember that words could perhaps in the past text but also make the facts to bear concrete results and sin'oggi of facts regarding this difficult matter, for the truth if they have seen a few, not to say anything but we can say the same ... after work.

John Carved
Democrats of the Left

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Women's Girdles For Men

"ITALY GOLD" With Rita

Pierangelo Bertoli
Bertoli - Negri
(Sanremo 1992)

They will tell that it is now easier
that justice will be strengthened
that the reason is to serve the strongest
and a kick in the ass of humanity.
Tell me now if everything is changing
if the criminal who was murdered and then interest
so overbearing that counts only those who wiped out more.
Roomba power that makes the rules
falls the voice of freedom
while accounts of wolves is not cheap
the blood of those who will pay. Italy
golden fruit of the work by the then city
found an excuse you if you can
Italy under the black flag vivandiere old do you slam
of us eat what you want as long as it does not pay much
Everything is lost in the sound of missiles
shots ring out while others already
traveling on the roads by the weak
our war will not turn off.
It'll come back to tears
the results of poverty
bribery and boss of all free
of another bomb blast in the city.
I just hope to be among men
that ignorance does not win the day
stop being complicit
who will decide that we will change. Italy
golden fruit surrounded by the then Labour
found an excuse you if you can
Italy under the banner of old black vivandiere
you give a damn about us
eat what you want as long as it does not pay much
Fratelli d'Italia, Italy has arisen, With Scipio
She has bound her head,
Fratelli d'Italia, Italy has arisen, With Scipio's
'is bound her head.

Friday, May 19, 2006

Bosch Dishwasher Test Program Shv66

against new pollution

I believe that this time the best way to defend the environment and advertise you, Rita Borsellino candidate for President of the Sicily region which will putting my vote (necessarily) a cross on the symbol that shows your name and colored pencils.
John Carved

Sunday, May 14, 2006

What Does Oral Cancer Look Like

"Nothing in the world is as strong as an idea whose hour has come"

(Victor Hugo)
An opportunity that all Sicilians, beginning with the Augsburg, will not lose working hard to support it and advertise it.

John Carved

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Alabama Football Screen Saver

National civil service Belluno

This site used to advertise, make known, contact the associations that have joined the project of the Committee of understanding of Belluno to the national civil service. There are three projects proposed for 2006 for which the Committee of Understanding has asked to get approval and involve a number of associations throughout the province of Belluno

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

How To Get Rid Of A Scat Fetish


The National Civil Service, established by Law No. 64 March 6, 2001, - that from 1 January 2005 takes place on a voluntary basis only - it is a way to defend the homeland, whose "duty" is enshrined in Article 52 of the Constitution, a defense which should not be referred to the territory of the State and the protection of its external borders, the sharing of common values \u200b\u200band founding principles of the democratic order.
E 'can be made available to young people aged 18 to 28 years to devote a year of his life in favor of a commitment of solidarity understood as a commitment for the good of all and of each and then as the value of the search for peace.
The Voluntary Service provides young people with a strong educational value and training is an important and often unique opportunity for personal growth, an opportunity for education for active citizenship, a valuable tool to help weaker sections of society by contributing to social development, cultural and economic landscape of our country.
Those who choose to commit to twelve months in the civil service voluntarily choose to add qualifying experience to their knowledge, be spent in the course of working life, it becomes even job opportunities, while ensuring an even minimal economic autonomy .
areas of intervention in which it is possible to provide the National Civil Service can be traced back to the fields:
assistance, civil protection, environment, heritage and cultural, educational and cultural promotion, civil service abroad.

your commitment to the state will pay 433.80 euros per month for one year.

voluntary BELLUNO
presented the following projects for the national civil service:

volunteers from the Dolomite peaks"

with associations: Next to
'... elderly and the Ponte nelle Alpi Belluno
Anteas Monteperina of Cesiomaggiore
Anteas LIFE Fonzaso
White Cross Arabba Livinallongo
Auser land in the province of Belluno Belluno
Committee of Understanding
Support Group volunteer Agordo


with associations:
AIPD of Belluno Feltre
Diapsigra of Belluno Feltre
Spring Onlus


with associations: the world of Belluno Belluno

Groups Together they can Belluno


service center for volunteerism in the province of Belluno
Via Piave, 5 32100 Belluno
Phone 0437 950 374 E-Mail: @ serviziocivile

Monday, March 27, 2006

Weak Fingernails Causes

TAM TAM - The voices of the civil service

The undersigned: Emanuele Pizzo, National Representative of the Volunteers of the Civil Service, David Guarnieri and Arianna Saccomani, acting Regional Delegates to the Veneto, hereby, wish to inform all the volunteers of the Civil Service which was established a working group to collect all the "voices" and opinions to be proposed in the National Council.
In this respect as regards the Veneto region have created a group on the portal whose
aim to introduce volunteers to the Regional Delegates and collect ideas for improving the National Civil Service.
We believe that to have a broader view of the problems present in the region, it is important that all volunteers have the opportunity to enroll thus making their significant contribution.
We therefore ask you kindly to disclose pursuant to the volunteers at your organization, the successful election of the representatives mentioned above, the creation of the Working Group on Civil Service Volunteer of the Veneto "and consequently provide them our telephone numbers and email addresses.
We are confident that, thanks for your valuable assistance, it is easier and immediate contact between volunteers spread throughout the region.
Confident of your early acceptance of this, pending a statement feedback, thank you in advance and take this opportunity to extend best regards

Emanuele Pizzo, Representative
National Volunteer Service Civil: cell. 340 3383674, e - mail
David Guarnieri, Regional Delegate for the Veneto:
cell. 340 5508988, e - mail
Arianna Saccomani, Regional Delegate for the Veneto:
cell. 338 7126653 e - mail

Saturday, March 4, 2006

Golf Exercises Stenosis

Avian and stray dogs.

No alarms but a useful and intelligent prevention:
dogs, sterilization is not enough, now you need to be admitted.

Now that bird flu has also hit a mammal is even more important to eliminate the phenomenon of stray dogs in città.Dopo the disturbing episode in the death of a cat in Germany because of the dangerous virus, as learned from the media, seems to show potential risk that the H5N1 virus to humans can be infected would be precisely the case that the focus on standards of hygiene and on the 'absence of promiscuity among the animal is raised to the maximum. To do so would be a must to avoid the habitat of the citizens continue to be shared by other troublesome "tenants" on all fours and of course spread the invitation to those who own pets to ensure that they do not come in contact with other wild animals and strays. As expressed in Augusta takes on even greater importance given the fact that the underlying goal of Saline are several species of birds that might somehow come in contact with animals mammals, this highlights the need of those who jurisdiction has in place all the operational tools for a proper prevention. If more comes from, at this point that the sterilization of dogs is not enough and that it is not only appropriate but necessary to put up more facilities to house stray dogs and then isolate which until today has been forced to leave around a soil, as well as aggression, lack of space in the existing shelters, and we know that the dirt receptacle is infectious. As the saying says, prevention is better then having to treat the avian flu ... and even the bites of dogs.

John Carved

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

How Much Does It Cost To Bowl In Ohio

"Hospital patients ..."

Given the essentially noble, as well as vital health of the subject is obvious in the hope that the use of funds allocated to it continues to be as noble and transparent in order to complete in the shortest possible time, a process that, in a disadvantageous to users, has seen the blocked funds dedicated to the expansion and therefore better functioning of a major hospital, which serves not just to other municipalities in a persistent area of \u200b\u200bhigh environmental risk and then, consequently, also high-risk health.
Whether those citizens unaware of the many bureaucratic difficulties both citizens better informed but unwilling to accept some delays atavistic policies, given the long standing discomfort of a site which also endures, I give, probably wrong, not a high importance on the merits of those who have carried out commendably advocates the return of documents relating to funding for the work of the new wing Muscatello Hospital, while it is considered much more important that the finished work, is really near future that I see the sad decline of the journeys of hope to many residents who continue to be subject to a variety of illnesses for which specialist care are in fact forced to turn to other structures health more or less distant, near a future in which users can now turn to a more comfort in public buildings really modern and technologically advanced, hospital has always felt a fatherly "own" the community as well as Augsburg considered important reference point for any emergency rescue, also complete the new hospital would be the most appropriate recognition to the proven skills of doctors who work there. In the electoral campaign topics such as health care is desirable that they are not simple issues to be considered to continue to analyze, so maybe not well adapted to the more logical goal, but they are matters which come from high and bold solutions to be put in place because it is finally almost given a good service to "patients" citizens.

John Carved

Friday, February 3, 2006

My Daughter's First Birthdaydora

"Free to All: The income of citizenship.

( document in preparation)

Monday, January 30, 2006

Older Snowmobiles For Sale


E 'true that by going to the City to deliver a document, a letter or an instance of the protocol you are kindly requested to leave the document to be made available and courteous, and invited to come back tomorrow to pick up the copy registered?
It 's true that in the printed copy to the user is only a number without paying stamp City Council will sign an employee of the protocol stating that they are so complete and exhaustive, the receipt, and only after verbal request made by the user is only the stamp of place?
It 's true that you can not access the Office Protocol despite you go to the City in the hours of access to the public?
would legitimate claim to deliver their documents, regardless of their level of confidentiality, directly within the Office Protocol and, where appropriate, to employees who probably is the completion of other duties? What
express regulations concerning the timing of delivery of a copy, registered or, if on oath, of any receipt for a document given that it is actually awaiting noted in the register of protocol, and what the regulations say about the best confidentiality of documents submitted for greater protection of user privacy?

The considerations noted and rumored city (considerations, however, contribute to the most important Public Opinion), which has taken the cue to make these logical and constructive questions, one hopes, of course, that ought to be considered unfounded, and is in fact sterile and to avoid damaging assumptions for the image of what is happening in our city of Augusta, who politely asks the authoritative Municipal Administration to make greater clarity on this issue by opening a possibly, still useful, fact-finding investigation on the effective management of incoming mail and the Protocol thereto of our town, waiting for it to finally address the important evolutionary process determined by the increased responsibilities municipal authorities in promoting local development, resource management and improving quality of service-oriented users as stated earlier in the year 2006 just the same municipal entity.

John Carved

Monday, January 16, 2006

House Designing Games

"Paper Prince": The municipal statute.

President Ciampi in his speech at Syracuse
"a democracy more transparent as well as more efficiently. "

E 'no doubt that the transparency of an institution" service provider "starting from a better advertising of their rules, as it is obvious that invite citizens to cooperate may result, in the public eye, to be very useful and consistent if the invitation does not follow the dissemination of tools for more complete information about how the administrative machinery and the bureaucracy which determines the quality of public services.
To grasp the suggestion of President Ciampi, to which we must be grateful for that, it would be good, for example, all the municipalities, which certainly have not had time to do so might make more user-friendly than what could be called "the paper the principles of transparency" that is, the Municipal Statute, perhaps providing the libraries for public consultation and web browsers that are not included in the website for those municipalities that can instead visit, a site , again for reasons of transparency, it may contain, nonetheless, a space where you can also consult the deliberations of the junta. After years of darkness on this side effective implementation of transparency would be a stronger signal demonstration of political renewal. I'm sure as soon as the City of Augusta will be a living example.
John Carved

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Streaming Programs South Park


Mr. Mayor Massimo Carrubba

Dear Mr. Mayor it is my opinion and not only mine that is about to experience a chance that can be considered greedy and certainly on the rare call to attention by national institutions for this wretched half our province: the President of the Republic is visiting Syracuse.
I feel the duty as a citizen and father, and ask you to take this opportunity to speak to President Ciampi on the disposal of harmful industrial projects planned in our area and their environmental consequences and health in mind, I ask that our environmental and health situation is bad because fifty years of industrialization which was wild permitted, according to popular opinion, partly because of censorship in the national newspaper has been under this earth that has been so detrimental in a penumbra region.
I am convinced, knowing his preparation, his intellectual honesty and his diplomatic skills, that you will succeed Mr. Mayor, despite the difficulties of a state visit, to be heard by the President as they played until today the citizens of Augusta, citizens whose only crime is to be born in a land that in addition to being subject to blackmail employment sacrifice the health of people living there to provide fuel and related to the whole nation. Waiting hopefully a positive response to the company as of now I thank you for your efforts and for what they can get.
and Yours Sincerely John

Thursday, January 5, 2006

Watery Cervical Mucus Just Before Period

immature? The primary began "work", a scandal could complete it.

abstain in the primaries, no matter how this decision has been worth the context, it was not exactly a specific and weighted my choice, I refused it, especially after that Italian society had to planking serious political myopia and ad personam "laws of right, and then feeling more than ever that we must do everything to win in the electoral competition, to accept the political immaturity of the mentally center-left coalition that he could not agree on one candidate without resorting to the electorate, otherwise, in my opinion, the risk of internal splits and the highest risk of a precarious stability of votes, all that negativity ' I era as "post-primary reminiscences." E 'logical to assume that if the primaries would bring with it a high risk of weakening the coalition never mind, needless to say, any scandals generated intrinsically, as is plain for everyone, from the too fine line between politics and business, and as it turned here right now, "inappropriate" more than ever, comes a first "round" gutter to confuse, to freeze, to astonished the ideal population center-left, and while this has now started the election campaign, thus risking the thing "unless hoped" and that the risk of serving on a silver platter right to a victory that, under normal circumstances it would be difficult to obtain. To tell the truth to other levels and particularly in certain areas, things are not so different, but despite the political-border business seems not to exist, this does not generate any scandal as if it were now an accepted fact in and digested "fortiori "it seems to be a" phenomenon "bi-partisan. Is there anyway to be considered an important and serious and that is that so many members with the political left, many fans and activists, many citizens feel betrayed pure idealist and moral guilt, and idelogicamente almost as if someone among the top "scrum" who loses his face is also the basis and then you feel strong, albeit briefly, the temptation of not being able to wrong to those who assert that the party politics that is not good policy, who claims that the party politics is nothing but a collection of short films with his own principles or many feuds with their arrogant lords who see politics as something private and exclusive to manage for its own use and consumption. Of course, the hope remains that the turmoil caused by the scandal we can narrow down maybe in a smoke-filled bulb that although it will inevitably may still not be too "dense, suffocating and enduring. There is to be concluded without free and easy moralism but rather very rationally that perhaps the only honest politician is capable of giving results that political and above all that still can not stop the progress of which should benefit from a civil society, despite ... everything.

John Carved